hearts bounds

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Jet: That was a good nap.

???: you take naps now.

Jet: whenever I need to glitch. So why are you here.

Glitch: Would you like to come with me fighting arena.

Jet: like a tournament.


Jet: what the reward and that the punishment for lack of better words.

Glitch: the reward being fighting strong people as for the other I don't know honestly we'll have to find out.

Jet: Your not going to leave until I say yea right.

He pats my head you know me to well

And if worse comes to it we can always do the bounding.

Jet: What's that.

He slowly turns his head at me

Glitch:You don't know!

Jet: no.

Glitch: wow ok so there are there three conditions of course in order the bounding to happen it has to be with friends or family two you have to have a good connection before during and after and three you can fouse a bound but it will haft the person's power's.

Jet: sounds simple enough. Is their any idems youe can wear that also does this.

Glitch: yea there are masks bracelets chains necklaces their are only one of each though.

Jet: witch is stronger.

Glitch: bounding ofc oh and I almost forgot to say this any damage you or the person has before bounding the bounding will have to.

Jet: Ok

Glitch: want to try now.

Jet: why not

As I stand

Glitch also stands

Glitch:up all right.

Jet how are we going to.

Glitch: any contact is fine when bounding but let's just started with a simple dap if that's fine.

Jet: All right.

We clash hands as we a swirls of colors from around us as if our souls are bounding. The swirl disappears
As Glitch and Jet aren't there any more instead it's someone else.

Johnny: Glitch jet are you there oh you two have bounded so what are you going to call this.

???: Well our full name or our nickname or title.

Johnny: Full name please and title.

???: all right my title will be glitched attraction but my name will be rein.

Johnny: Ok rein are you staying like this or unbounding.

Rein: I'll stay like this to surprise Mai Maya chroma and Ruby.

Johnny: alright let's go

They walk back to Jet's house as I'll

Knock knock

Ruby: I'll get it

She opens the door and she's Johnny

Ruby: Hey Johnny how are you

Johnny: I'm good

Ruby: Who that behind you

Johnny: This is rein a frend.

Ruby: Is jet and glitch near.

Johnny: In a sense yes and no.

Ruby: Ok? Come in both of you.

They Walk in.

Johnny: Can you please do me a favor.

Ruby: Yes.

Johnny: Can You get me chroma, Mai and Maya.

Ruby: Yea she walkes off then comes back later with them

Johnny: Thanks everyone this is rein.

Rein: Hi

Everyone: Else hi

Johnny: There is a tournament coming up and glitch and jet ha have been chosen to represent this world the reward is one wish of the world winner choice if you lose your world get destroyed.

Rein: What! I didn't know that so you want me do fight in the tournament

Chroma: Your not glitch or jet so you got nothing to worry about.

Unless she looks at me with a smile.

Rein: Well

She looks at Johnny and he nods

Chroma: Wow truly amazing.

Mai: What and why do you have both jet's and glitches aura but not at the same time.

Maya sits down and starts clapping.

Maya: Wow now this a real thing I only heard about in legends?

Mai: You mean

Maya: yea.

Rein: Its us. And not us you see I only have half of their personalitys. I can use both of their powers and combine them creating new ones that they can't use.

Johnny: This is the bound of jet and glitch rein

He says with a smile.

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