Chapter 1: Once Upon a Time

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A/N- Here it is the first chapter of my Herobrine x Reader! Enjoy!

(y/n) POV:

Any normal day in the village mining and farming to stay alive, a routine I'm used to and follow each and every day. Here I am in the village cave with my iron pickaxe on my shoulder, iron sword strapped to my waist, and my dog (p/n) at my side. "I feel lucky today (p/n)! I bet today is the day we'll find some diamonds!" (p/n) barked in agreement and we started making our way farther and deeper into the darkness. I have already found some iron, coal, even gold, (butter for Skydoesminecraft fans like me) but no sign of diamonds. We turned a corner to see a faint light ahead, "Look (p/n), there's a light ahead!" (p/n) yipped and ran ahead so I started to run to catch up. (p/n) stopped abruptly so I stopped and saw that there was a pool of lava and on the other side of the pool was, "DIAMONDS!!!" I started doing my happy dance and (p/n) barked happily. When (p/n) stopped barking and started growling I stopped and looked back over to the lava. Instead of seeing a stone wall and diamonds on the other side, was now a weird black mist. The temperature in the whole cave seemed to drop and the only sounds that I could hear were (p/n)'s growling and my own heavy breathing. (OMG I'm so scared there is a crazy storm outside and the lights are flickering as I type this! ) A silent wind swept through the cave blowing my hair in all different directions. I looked around terrified then back at the black mist which seemed to be getting closer, but what I saw made my blood run cold. There standing against the black mist was two glowing white eyes. I screamed, turned around, and started running out of the cave with (p/n) following. I kept running until I saw the light of day right above me. I sprinted out of the cave and took one last glance at it to see the same white eyes peering out of the darkness. I turned all of my attention to getting home. Once I got there I raced in, let (p/n) in behind me, slammed the door, then leaned against it catching my breath. I closed my eyes and calmed down then made my way to my chest putting everything I got that day in it then making my way upstairs. I put the sword and pickaxe on their rightful stands and got in bed. I couldn't get what happened out of my mind, but then shook it off as my imagination and drifted off into a restless sleep. The whole night I felt like I was being watched.

A/N- Boom! First chapter! Now I have two questions for the comments section,

Do you guys want the dog to have a specific name? If so what would it be?


What is your favorite pokemon? (mine is Vaporeon!)

See you in the next chapter my Munchies!


Eyes Like Glowstone ~ Herobrine x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now