Chapter 4: Steve?!

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A/N- Sorry I didn't update yesterday I was busy. (watching Youtube) On with the story! Enjoy!

~A week Later~

(Y/n)'s POV:

It's been a whole week since I've had an encounter with HIM, right now I'm sitting behind my house against a tree with (p/n) laying peacefully by my side. I was watching the hill in the distance when a (my nose just started bleeding) figure climbed over it. From here I couldn't tell who it was, so I got up and started running with (p/n) barking behind me. When I was almost there the figure collapsed, I kneeled next to him only to jump back up when I recognized who it was. He looked just like HIM, but what I noticed was that he looked shorter and he had cuts and bruises everywhere he even had arrows coming out in a few places, mostly his back. I shrugged and started to carry him (with effort) back to the house, once there I placed him down on my couch and checked if he had a pulse. Good he does. I got the first-aid kit from bathroom and a bucket of water then walked back out, I took out the arrows (with a lot of effort). I took off his shirt then started to clean the wounds and wrap them then proceeded to try to wake him. After a few minutes of trying to wake the stranger I gave up and let him rest. I went to the kitchen and made to meals, one for me then one for the male on my couch when he wakes up. I threw (p/n) a bone then placed the stranger's plate on the table with a note then ate my own, after I was done I placed the dirty plate in the sink. I made my way upstairs, laid down and fell asleep.

~Time skip because of my bloody nose~

I woke up and stretched then made my way downstairs to see the mystery guest stuffing his face full of steak. When I reached the bottom of the stairs he looked up and my (e/c) eyes meet with his deep blue ones. I giggled at his puffed cheeks and he looked up at me confused then swallowed and laughed himself, his laugh was so smooth and welcoming I couldn't help but smile. I walked up and asked, "So I'm guessing you're feeling better? What's your name?" He stood and walked over to me and responded, "Yeah I am! My name's Steve!" I shook his hand and said, "Cool! My name is (y/n)! So how did you end up so injured outside my house." He pulled away and laughed again and thought then told his story, "Well I was in the forest last night...

~Flashback Time~

Steve's POV:

I exited my house and walked off into the forest ready for a good day of collecting supplies. After the sun set, I shrugged and kept walking and collecting wood along the way. I heard a twig snap behind me, I flipped around to see a skeleton stringing an arrow only a few feet away, I turned and started to run only to be shot in the shoulder. I kept running  feeling more sharp pains  in other places in my back, but I kept running until the sun started to peak over the horizon. I slowed down, but kept walking knowing I had to find some village of some kind. I climbed over a hill to see a house at the bottom of it and a figure running towards me and a smaller figure at it's heels. I collapsed from exhaustion and slipped into unconsciousness.


"And that's when I woke up here!"

A/N- And done! Now I'm gonna go get some more tissues. Steve get in here!

Steve: Oh hey everyone what's up? *fan girls squealing because of his adorableness*

Herobrine: Uhhhh! I hate him! He's so... enthusiastic!

Steve: Oh hey Hero!

Herobrine: Don't call me that where did you learn that?!

Steve: From PieMuncher! *points at PieMuncher*

Herobrine: *growls and glares at PieMuncher*

PieMuncher: *nervous laugh* Well...

See you in the next chapter my Munchies!


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