Chapter 6: A Fight has Begun

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(y/n)'s POV:

I watched as Herobrine lunged at Steve and they both started swinging fists at each other wrestling in my living room. I kept watching for a few minutes until I couldn't stand to watch it anymore, "Would you two stop please?" It looked like they didn't hear me so I yelled, "STOP!" They both looked at me and Steve smiled while Herobrine just sighed. I glared at both of them then said, "If you two are going to fight, please do it outside so that you don't destroy my living room." Herobrine smirked, stood, grabbed Steve's shirt collar (which he put on when you were gone), and dragged him outside. I closed the door and sat down on my couch, but jumped to my feet when I heard a scream. I rushed out the door to see Herobrine choking Steve looking furious has Steve tried to helplessly claw at his hands. Herobrine smirked and whispered something to Steve that made Steve's eyes widen, I gasped and rushed toward them yelling, "Let him go!" Herobrine looked at me and asked sarcastically, "Now why would I do that?"

(y/n): "Because I told you to! Now put him down!"

Herobrine: "What's the magic word?~"

(y/n): "Uhhh! ...Please?.."

Herobrine: "Hahaha! No, but close enough."

I groaned and watched as he smirked then dropped Steve to the ground, Steve coughed holding his throat and smiled up at me. I smiled back then glared at Herobrine saying, "Thank you for letting him go, but please do not do anything like that again." He smiled an innocent smile like he didn't just attempt to murder my friend and responded, "You're welcome! Now I suggest you don't trust Steve here, he can be very manipulative. I'll be on my way, but ,Steve, watch your back and remember what I said." With that he disappeared right in front of my eyes leaving me very confused and Steve wide eyed with a bruised neck. I shook my head then helped Steve into the house, "Steve, what did he say to you?" I looked at him questioningly, "Nothing you have to worry about, (y/n)." He smiled at me and I returned it, but still questioned it in the back of my mind.

'What did he say?'

A/N- Wooooooh! now I'm going to go brainwash myself because I watched Jurassic World in 3D a few hours ago. It was AWESOME!!! Now I'll see you all later! Steve, Hero get in here!

Herobrine: Stop calling me that...

Steve: Oh hey Spell!

PieMuncher: hehehehe... Hi guys!  #*-*#

See you in the next chapter my Munchies!


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