Chapter 5: Don't Trust Him

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A/N- Uhhhhhh! Finally I can update again! Wooooooooh!!!! Enjoy!

(y/n)'s POV:

I laughed at his comedic personality amused that he can find funny things to say in even bad situations, but I then blushed when I noticed that he still had no shirt. He smiled then asked, "So where is here?" I smiled back and responded, "Welcome to Hanging Birch village!" (the name is actually the name of a village I made on Minecraft) He chuckled and said, "Thanks for the help, but I don't want to be a bother." I giggled, "Don't worry, Steve, it's no problem! I don't have anyone here except the villagers and (p/n)," (p/n) barked in agreement at my feet, "so it's nice to have some company!" Steve smiled looking very happy that he has gained a new friend. I returned the gesture then went and grabbed my pickaxe and other mining supplies then headed to the door with (p/n) at my heels, "Where are you going, (y/n)?" "I'm going mining you can stay here. Help yourself to anything if you get hungry!" I yelled as I walked out the door closing it behind me, then walked past the villagers making their way to work and walked to the mine.

~Time Skip to the good part~

I haven't been back in the mine since the 'incident', but now that I have Steve temporarily living with me I thought that he should have some supplies as well. I was trying to make my way down to the lava pool I found the diamonds in, but it was hard to find them the first time and now it's even harder to find them the second time. "Uhhhh! (p/n) where did we find those diamonds the first time!?" A dark chuckle echoed through the cave making a shiver run down my spine, "Do you mean these diamonds?" I whipped around to see HIM sitting casually on a stone holding a diamond in HIS hand. I growled, "You! What are you doing here?!"  (to make this easier and faster)

Herobrine: "I should be asking you the same thing."

(y/n): "That isn't your concern!"

Herobrine: "I guess you don't want these diamonds then?"

(y/n): "I found those first you cheated and took them!"

Herobrine: "Alright then I'll just take these and go..."

(y/n): "No wait! Fine... I'm here collecting supplies for my friend who's living with me..."

HE walked up to me and held the diamond right in front of my face,

Herobrine: "And what is this 'friend's' name?"

(y/n): "Steve..."

Herobrine: "WHAT?!"

I flinched at HIS anger and whimpered scared that I made HIM mad,

Herobrine: "Steve?! The Steve that looks like a younger me?!"

I nodded then had a diamond placed into my hands. I looked at it then up to see HIM walking away with his fists clenched by HIS sides with a faint white glow surrounding them. I followed after silently studying the diamond and the way it reflected every light from torches to even the white glow coming off of HIM.

(y/n): "Where are you going?"

Herobrine: "Is Steve in your home at this moment?"

(y/n): "You didn't answer my question."

Herobrine: "You didn't answer mine."

An awkward silence fell over the two of us as we made our way out of the cave and closer to the edge of the village,

(y/n): "He should be resting in the house..."

Herobrine: "Thank you. Now come on."

HE put HIS hand on my shoulder and then the world turned black. I looked around me to see HIM standing a few feet away,

(y/n): "What's going on?!"

Herobrine: "We're just teleporting. Calm down and relax. Close your eyes."

I did what HE said, but when I opened my eyes again we were in front of my house. Herobrine slammed open the door and yelled,  "STEVE!"

'Oh no...'

A/N- Wooooooh! CLIFFHANGER! Hahaha you are all going to hate me... Oh well! :3 But I'm so sorry that I haven't updated on schedule, it's because Wattpad changed it's app and I was frustrated with it.  ._.     

See you in the next chapter my Munchies!


Eyes Like Glowstone ~ Herobrine x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now