Chapter 2:

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I decided that today I was going to leave (p/n) home today and instead of going to the cave, I was going to explore the forest and gather some wood along the way. I walked out the front door out into the blinding light of day with (p/n) barking in protest, but I ignored it and made my way out of the village and towards the line of trees that separated the forest from my home. When I passed by the cave I shuddered remembering what happened yesterday, I turned away from it and kept walking onward into the overhang of trees of the forest.

~Time skip to get to the good part~

I chopped down yet another tree then sighed wiping the sweat from my forehead, I sat down at the base of the tree leaning my head against it starring at the calming water of the small pond only a few feet away. I closed my eyes and started to doze off not minding a few minutes of rest.

I woke up to the sound of groaning and hissing, looking around I saw that it was not the bright and sunny afternoon that I remembered, but now the darkness of night that surrounded me. I looked around frantically seeing a few zombies and spiders. I jumped up drawing the attention of a few close mobs when a sharp pain hit me in my shoulder that threw me off balance. I fell to my hands and knees, I put my hand on my shoulder to feel an arrow coming out of my shoulder blade and something wet. Pulling my hand back I saw that my hand was covered in blood. I pushed myself up and started running trying to find my way out of the forest scrapping my arms, legs, and face with arrows streaking by my vision, barely missing me. I jumped over a fallen log when I felt a pain shoot through my left leg. I crumpled to the ground breathing heavily. I closed my eyes starting to see dots in my vision and hearing static, but with the last signs of my sight starting to fade, I saw the same two white eyes that terrify me.

???? POV: (You probably know who it is, but whatever!)

I saw her jump then fall to the ground with a arrow coming out of the back of her shin. I grew angered and commanded all mobs to stop. (Now it's even more obvious!) I walked over to the poor girl and picked her up (bridal-style) and teleported out of the forest. I walked to what she calls her home and walked in to be greeted by an angry dog, but it was soon settled down with an annoyed glare. I placed the girl down on her couch and grabbed cloths and a bucket of water. I pulled out the two arrows,(with some effort) wet the cloths, and tied them around her shin, but stopped when I realized that to take care of the other wound I would have to take off her shirt. My eyes widened and a blush covered my cheeks, but I still needed to cover that wound or it could get infected. I lifted the back of her shirt up and quickly tied the cloth around her shoulder then let her shirt fall back into place. 'Oh how I wish I knew her name... WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING?!' I shook my head in frustration then sat down in a chair close by watching her sleep peacefully soon dozing off myself.

A/N- Oh God! I just love this story already! Well I'm going to go and start typing my other story! So Hero get in here and say hi!

Herobrine: I was kinda busy and didn't I tell you to stop calling me that...

PieMuncher: What? Pffft... no (sarcasm)

Herobrine: Whatever. Hello, thanks for reading, please vote, add, and check out the other stories PieMuncher wrote.

PieMuncher: Thanks Hero you can go now!

Herobrine: *grumbles* I hate you...

PieMuncher: Hey! I heard that! You can't say that or you don't get anymore cookies! *Hero's girly scream*

See you in the next chapter my Munchies!


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