The Secret Chamber

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Asha is surrounded by a thick cloud of green smoke fog.

She feels dizzy, like she just been spinning for hours.

As the smoke clears, Asha coughs a few times and rubs her eyes. Things start coming into focus and she realizes… She’s inside in some sort of Chamber?.

She sees in front of her a huge flight of stairs that goes spiraling upwards for what seems to be forever. The walls are adorned with intricate and perfect details.

The last remaining lights of sunset entered through the large colored glass windows, creating what Asha could only describe as a light show with an array of colors that painted the walls.

She and Magnifico were in front of the main entrance, the door is open and they can hear the fireworks and people celebrating the Wish ceremony outside. Then the queen standing right behind her, watching as she takes everything in.

"Woah...what is this place?" She whispered

"The chamber of course, Asha"
Then the Queen out of the Shadows

"Oh, Your Majesty. I don't know here too"
Asha bows at the Queen

"Amazing, is it not?" The Queen asks in a sigh while walking to be in front of Asha
"Well you see Asha, It's really not everyday we bring guests in here, you know? You are quite fortunate."

Asha can't help but notice how it's... Empty, not in details tho, there's plenty of that all around, but there's no people besides the 3 of them.

"It really is incredible your majesties but umm if you don't mind me asking... Where are the guards? Or the cleaning staff?" Asha asks

"Oh, Asha we don't have guards inside the castle, they stay outside."
Amaya explains nonchalantly
"and As for the cleaning staff, or really any other one of the servants, we have them all leave when the sun starts to set"

Then they talk

"Well me and my wife prefer to have some... privacy in here at night time, if you know what I mean"
The King gaze passionately at one another

"Wow… they not only need to get a room, they need a whole castle" Asha thinks

“But oh well, enough about us me? Tonight’s about you.” The King smiles, pointing a finger to Asha “Now, what we want to know from you Asha iiiiiiis-- What in the blazes is that on our window?”

The king looks in bewilderment at something coming out of one of their glass windows that is closer to the ground

Asha turns to see what the king is looking at. She sees coming out of the lower window two little… baby goat legs.

Followed by the sound “Maaaaa! Maaaaa!”s she knows so well

“VALENTINO!” Asha screams in surprise, running to get him. “What are you doing here?! I told Dahlia and the others to keep an eye on you!”

Dahlia and the others too busy panicking that her friend was taken by the king himself to notice the baby goat went missing.

Magnifico and Amaya silently watch this scene play out, quite unsure how to react, this girl really never ceases to surprise them.

"hehehe- Sorry about that umm your highnesses, this is my baby goat, Valentino" Asha says with an awkward smile while holding Valentino in her arms

"Maaa!" The goat bleats to them cheerfully, but mostly he's just over the moon that he managed to find Asha.

"He says hi too" Asha says while waving one of his hooves to them.

The King and Queen smiles, giving a small wave back, finding this quite entertaining so far.

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