Finding out the Truth

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"Well... Yes , I would like to be your Apprentice. Your majesty"

Magnifico holds in a laugh.
Magnifico walks towards her slowly with that gentle smile

"I knew you had it in you, just needed a lil push, right?
Well Congratulations, Asha"
Magnifico patted her in the shoulder

"Thank you your majesty"
She bows

Then suddenly Queen Amaya spoke as she looking at the Window "Magnifico, Asha the Wish Ceremony is about to start" Amaya said in a fake calming voice, actually she knows what's happening

"Oh goody, well Asha you will be sit beside my Wife in the Wish Ceremony today, there will be a sit for you "He exclaimed with his usual over the top energy.

Asha is feeling really lost, she doesn't know what to say or what to do "yeah that... that sounds great, can't wait" she forces a clearly fake smile

"Oh I'm sure you? You look a little tired today is something the matter?" The Queen says as she guides her to the exit of the wishing room

"Wh-what? oh know worries I'm fine, it's just something in my head"

The Queen had to hold in a laugh once again.
"I know, but I just can't help but notice how tired you are."

"Oh um know worries your majesty I will be there" Asha said in a fake warm smile

*Sigh* if you say so"

"Oh right! I forgot to tell you what Asha, I was planning on granting all of today’s wishes next week, buuuut just because I like you soooooo much I’m gonna do you a huge favor… and grant them all TONIGHT! so you’ll remember it by morning, how about that?"
He said in a happy time of exciment

"Oh...okay I will remember that, hehe..."

"Now what are we waiting for 'Apprentice' aren't you coming?"

"....yes, your majesty"

With Asha walking with their back. With the King and Queen.
"What did you do this time, darling?" The Queen said cooing in a whisper on his ear
"Oh well you know convince her to be my Apprentice of course, what else?" The king said behind his michevies smile.

At the Wishing Ceremony

Everyone was cheering and can't wait to see Magnifico.
Asha sit beside with the Queen.

While with Asha well she's not her usual self, she knows something is up with the King. Then the King use his magic to take the wishes of the 2 people.

With the 7 teens the go to the Wishing Ceremony to find if Asha was there, let's just say the last time it was a mess.

Asha notice that the blue orb turned to green for a few minutes, then back to turn blue. Yep something is up

Then the King said there'll be one wish granted, and then a lady came in excited, and he granted her wishe.
Then Magnifico look at Asha. In michevies smile.

Asha is now scared

After the wish ceremony ends. The king and queen convince her to go home and she decided to

"Asha dear may be it's the time you go home" Queen Amaya said in sweet tone

"Wh-what? But didn't you say we have dinner was in an hour?"

The king had to hold in a laugh once again. The girl actually believed she'd be allowed to sit with them? How pathetically naive.

"I know, but I just can't help but notice how tired you are."
The Queen said

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