Chapter 8: Crossroads And Consequences

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Agent Phi's perspective...

Standing in the former General's office, now under the control of Director Thaye, I remained formally poised, arms behind my back. The tension in the room was palpable, with the base's personnel still oblivious to Thaye's true involvement in the General's demise, leaving the blame on Calliope's squad.

"A VX-22 Titanwing has been crewed and set for departure within the hour," I informed Thaye, who sat in the General's chair with an air of calculated composure. "Refueling procedures are underway," I added, as Thaye's forked tongue flicked thoughtfully.

Thaye's voice, edged with urgency, interrupted me. "Make sure this mission is successful," he commanded, his impatience barely contained.

I acknowledged his directive. "Director, along with the Titanwing's crew, four special forces squads Theta, Tau, Omicron and Alpha are ready to hunt and eliminate the targets," I explained, only to be cut off.

"It's been a week!" Thaye raised his voice, his frustration clear. "They must be terminated immediately."

I attempted to assure him. "Director, they've been stranded on an island with minimal resources. It's unlikely they will offer sufficient resistance," I reasoned.

Thaye's annoyance was evident. "The drones were intercepted before they could strike. Be prepared for resistance," he warned, his hood flaring subtly. "And prioritize the human boy. He is the most important target," he added, his voice dropping to a more ominous tone.

Thaye suddenly drew a shiny handgun, or rather, a blaster that belonged to the Reaper. My eyes widened when I saw the sleek weapon. Its white tip glowed, and the weapon made a shrill tone when he cocked it. The sound was somewhere between screeching and the tapping of a wine glass. "These Reapers," Thaye said, "They think they're so clever." 

I remained quiet, still taken slightly aback by this. Thaye continued. "These blasters are biometrically locked—loyal weapons. The mechanism will refuse to fire unless wielded by its true owner," he said. Thaye suddenly fired the weapon, sending a blinding white bolt blasting a book on the desk into nothing.

 "Remarkable," He exclaimed, "With a single bolt, a person can be reduced to atoms. The lab techs managed to decrypt the locking system. Now it fires for anyone," He said, placing it on the desk. He turned it and slid it across and I stopped it with my hand, feeling the weight of its power. 

"Take this. Go with them to the island," Thaye growled lowly. "You know what must be done," He said. "If any on of our anthros hesitates, they are to be reported. Make it clear to them that the fugitives and the human are to be KILLED, not captured, on sight." He emphasized. 

"I understand," I stated, switching off the reaper's blaster and putting it into my inner jacket pocket. "It will be done, director." 

Exiting Thaye's office, I made my way across the base, flagging down a runway caddy to transport me to the Titanwing. As I alighted from the caddy and ascended the ramp into the aircraft's cargo hold, I surveyed the four squads assembled within. They were a mix of conversations, equipment checks, and idle posturing.

A serval cat caught my eye, her gaze sharp and questioning. "Uh, who are you?" she inquired, her tone laced with suspicion as she clutched her rifle.

"Your superior," I responded coldly, eliciting a growl from the serval. "And you are?" I prodded.

"Sergeant Jess Kelly," she replied, her glare intensifying. "Leader of Omicron." Her tone was dismissive. "I wouldn't recommend wandering around here in a fancy suit, wolf. The battlefield is no place for fragile executive people like you."

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