Chapter 12: The Escape

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Grant's perspective...

I shifted uncomfortably in the bunk where I'd been trying to sleep. Something sharp jabbed at my cheek. "What is this" I thought, rolling over in a futile attempt to escape the irritation. Ouch! There it was again. "What the heck?" I muttered, barely opening my eyes.

Beside the bunk, Katherine crouched in skintight workout clothes, something I could barely make out in the near darkness enveloping the barracks. Only faint streaks of light from the doors at the room's edge broke through the gloom. "Rise and shine, little buddy," she whispered, her voice a melodious murmur that filled the quiet around us. 

"It's time for your second day of training. Hooray!" Her breath was uncomfortably warm against my face, which seemed odd because I specifically remember her complaining about being cold our entire time on the island.

With a sigh, I sat up, quickly threw on some light clothes, and followed Katherine. I gave Liz a glance before leaving. We moved silently through the dark, sleep filled barracks and out into the brighter tunnel that led to the elevator. I knew there were other routes between the bunker's levels—less convenient, winding paths that didn't rely on this mechanical ascent. But for now, we took the direct route, heading towards what I was sure would be a grueling day of training. 

As the elevator descended with its steady industrial hum, I could feel Katherine's penetrating gaze on me. I shifted uneasily under her scrutiny. Drawing a sharp, nervous breath, I finally broke the silence. "What is it?" I asked.

Katherine's smile lingered a moment longer before she posed her question. "Why did you really tag along on the data mission?" Her tone suggested she already suspected the answer.

"I wanted to be involved," I responded with a casual shrug. "Isn't that why you're training me?"

She eyed me with a hint of amusement, her smirk never fading. "No, no, no... try again. The real reason this time," she pressed.

"That is the real reason!" I insisted. It wasn't a complete lie; it was one of my reasons.

"But not the entire truth," Katherine countered, her voice rising slightly. "I have a theory. Interested?" Her grin widened, and I rubbed my eyes, weary of her early morning antics. I understood that I had to follow her lead during training, but this was different. "Here's a hint," she offered, uninvited.

Reluctantly, I watched as she held up her right hand, fingers forming a circle. "This is Liz," she declared. Then, with her left hand, she raised her index finger. "And this is you," she continued.

As her index finger passed through the loop formed by her other hand, my face flushed with embarrassment. "W-What are you..." My voice faltered, and I buried my face in my hands, too exasperated for this.

"You get what I'm saying?" She probed, peering down at me.

"Yes, I 'get what you're saying', and the answer is still NO!" I retorted, more sharply than intended.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire," she teased, leaning closer. "You're lying," she sing-songed. It seemed the considerate, mentoring Katherine had momentarily stepped back, leaving room for the teasing, unabashed Katherine I knew all too well, ready to confront me with her unfiltered thoughts. I'd had enough.

"Shut up, Kath," I grumbled, attempting to push her away as my patience snapped. In a fit of frustration, I slammed my fist against the elevator's control panel, bringing it to a jarring halt.

"Grant, we're not at the bottom yet, dummy!" Katherine chuckled, seemingly amused by my outburst.

"I know. We're done here," I stated flatly, her smile quickly dissolving into a look of confusion. With a forceful gesture, I levitated the freight elevator's door upward, causing it to crash open with a loud bang. "Don't follow me. We're done," I declared, choosing a tunnel at random to make my escape.

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