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" SHUT UP!! Ughhhhh." I said yelling at my brother. he was telling embarrassing stories of me when I was little to Jacob. Jacob laughed away, and my brother didn't take long to tell him ALL the stupid things I did.

" Ok, one time. rose was about 7 and we went to a gas station. we were on our way to see our grandparents in North Carolina. So we both go in and I see a candy bar, I looked over at rose and told her to grab it. then my parents pay the gas and the food, but rose never put the candy bar on the counter. when she noticed she still had it in her hand.. she cried the for like two hours telling us she didn't want to get arrested and go to jail."

They both laughed historically and Luke wanted to go on but I stopped him. " like that's enough! I think he heard to much come out you." Jacob looked at me.

I extend my arm." lets go." Jacob got up and held my hand. " nice meeting you luke." my brother waved and we both went up stairs.

I showed him my room. i sat on the bed , " so, good to know all your story's when you were younger." I smiled at threw a pillow at him face. ( which he caught)

" Your so beautiful when you smile." he got closer and closer. " And your so breath taking." I put my head on his chest and wrapped my small arms around him.

I was tired and exhausted. we both decided to take a long nap. when a guy agrees to take a nap he's a keeper!


I woke up to a muscular arm around me like a blanket. the warmth of the body I didn't recognize beside me. I opened my eyes. and slowly my vision came back.

Jacob was snoring away, in his boxers. I wanted to laugh when I saw that is boxers had little superman on them.

I ruffed his hair. he groaned, and put a pillow over his head. which made me realize how similar we are in the morning.

He laid on his stomach. I got on his back and kissed the creek of his neck. " Wake up..." I whispered in his ear. all he did was snore even loader.

"Mhmmmm." I thought. I stood up on the bed and rolled his muscly body over to the floor. when he fell he fell with a loud thump!

" Ow!!" He said. I smiled and laid back down in my big bed. finally I got it all to myself. suddenly I felt a big heavy body on me.

" Jacob!" I giggled. he grabbed my legs and arms and swung me around. I got really dizzy.

" It's a Saturday! You know what that means?" I nodded a "no". " it means we are going out."

I smiled and let my head fall on his chest. " how about movie?" It was a long time since i haven't gone. " sure, then when we come back we can hang at my pool?" Jacob agreed to our plans.

"Well, I gotta get home. I don't like leaving Caleb alone when my mom goes to work." I kissed him and we both went down stairs.

" Do you want a ride?" I offered him." I kinda just want to ride on the board you got me." I smiled and remembered when I bought him that.

" Ok. I will see you later then." he nodded and road off. I bit my lip and thought of him.

I kind of felt like one of those stupid movies were couples are just kissing each other and say " I love you. no! I love you more!" But I can't help it!! I'm in love with a great guy.

It's all some sappy movie. I got ready to go out, I really wanted to go to the salon and get my hair done. I felt like doing and ombré hair dye. it would look super cute!

I got the car keys and left. when I went to the salon there was a red haired girl in the front desk.

" Hello! How can I help you today." he was so perky. " hi, I want to make an appointment for ombré hair." she typed on the computer, asked my name and phone number.

My fear: book2Where stories live. Discover now