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Jacob wined. " what's wrong" I asked.
" My body hurts!" He said like a little 5 year old, I rolled my eyes and went to bathroom to get Advil.

I brought back the medicine and a bottle of water. " Thanks." he sat up and swallowed. I say down next to him and rubbed his back. " how are you feeling?" I asked him.

" Better than yesterday. I think by tomorrow I will be much better." I nodded and gave him a half smile. I felt so bad for him, I knew he was just protecting me but he can act and not think about what he is doing.

" Just in case you should go to the doctors. I'm going to make an appointment for you, ok?" I wanted him to get better. he had to.

" Yeah. thanks for being here." I raised an eyebrow. " first this is my room second of course I would take care of you." he chuckled and I looked into his eyes.

Usually he had grey almost blue eyes but now.. there's something different. I took my tiny flash light and looked at his eyes. taking that skin from the bottom of the eye I pulled it down so I could see better.

Around the white area it was slightly a yellow. that means he might have liver problems or an infected abdomen.

I quickly lifted up his shirt and took the bandage off. it was yellow and purple, I had to take him to the hospital.

" what's going on rose?" I brushed my hair and put on my shoes. " you have an abdomen infection, you might have a broken rip and it's not being taken care of so if got infected."

He sighed. " I need you to be honest. you are in really bad pain and you never told me." Jacob sat up.

" I'm sorry I didn't want you to worry." I got my phone and called his doctor. they asked for his name and gave me a time to go, the appointment was going to be in 2 hours.

I hung up the phone and got a wet towel which will slow down the swelling.

I sat on the edge of the bed and put the cold towel where the big bruise was.
"Rose?" He took my chin and held it high. " I love you." I gave him a smile and kissed him.

" Get some rest, in about 2 hours we have to go the doctors.m going to bring you something to eat." he nodded and I went to kitchen.

Opening the fridge all we had was ham,cheese, a bitten cupcake and frozen waffles. guess I'm going to make a sandwich then. I went to pantry and the bread.

Making Jacob a sandwich with a side of chips and soda. i gotta say, I'm a good girlfriend.

I went back up to my room and Jacob sat there reading a book. " Here you go." I put the food on the night stand.

Jacob started eating.


" let's go. we are going to be late." I said to Jacob. He put his shirt on and he got up.

" After the doctors I have to go home. my brother is probably alone and I hate it when no ones there with him." I admired how much he loved his little brother.

" Ok." I grinned and we both went down stairs. grabbing my keys and purse.

We got to the doctors office. I went to front desk and sighed him in. after about 10 minutes of waiting, an assistant called Jacobs name.

I helped him up. he slowly stepped into the room.

" Ok please wait here, the doctor will be here in a few minutes."

We both sat there in silence. I felt so bad for Jacob! You have no idea how it meant to me when he stood up to Will.

" Jacob?" He looked over at me. " yeah"
" I love you." a bright grin appeared on his face. " I love you too."

The doctor came in. " hello mr. knight, you are here today for a check up."

Jacob looked at me. if he was going to be here might as well do everything.

" Yes he is. but first, he has a bruised rib and it's starting to get infected." he went on the computer and started typing.

" Ok Jacob, can you left up your shirt please." The doctor was a woman, she Roamed his side.

I got a little jealous but the doctors was only doing her job. I looked at her name tag. " doctor.Long."

She was filling out a paper while looking at rib bruise. " he has a broken rib." well no shit! " What can you do."

Dr.long opened one of a cabinets and pulled out a box. she took a gauze, alcohol and Hydroxylamine.

Why was she giving him Hydroxylamine. it's reacts with carbonyl groups to produce oximes; forms acid salts, hydroxylamine hydrochloride. It is a chemical mutagen that causes deamination of cytosine residues in DNA.

It's usually used in really big medical procedures. " what medication is that?" I crossed my arms. what the hell.

" He has a broken rib, it's going to hurt really bad when it starts to heal." one lite tablet can put him to sleep for hours. All it does is produce more DNA to heal the wound.

" Ok." she went over to Jacob and wrapped the tight gauze around his body.

Handing him the medicine. " ok I will be right back for the physical check up." when she left I got my stuff.

" What are doing?" Jacob asked. " we are leaving." it didn't take much to say that he got up and opened the door.

" Gladly." he said with a smile. we were all done at doctors and u dropped Jacob off at his house.

I was happy that he was ok.


That's for reading. comment vote

Until next time - Kim

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