Chapter12: perfect day.

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" Mom!! " I screamed in the top of my lungs. it was a Monday, I woke up late and I couldn't find any of my stuff.

" What." she said in a tired voice. she was wearing her rope and holding a cup of steaming coffee. " were is my back pack?" My mom rolled her eyes.

" I think last time I saw it was in Luke's room." the hell he was doing with my stuff. I stomped over to his room.

I few opened the door and grabbed my book bag. I can't believe Luke is 19 and he still doesn't go to college. he's going to be alone and poor I swear that's he's future.

I ran down stairs, there was only one set of keys and it was Luke's car. guess I'm going for a drive in his car.

The sun started to rise, bright colors started to appear.

I hate Mondays. Jacob was probably already at school. I ruffled my hair and relaxed a bit.

I got to school and the bell rang, right on time. I ran the three the hall way and entered 1st period.

The minute I walked in everyone stared at me, I also hate when people stare.

" Rose. take a seat." Mrs. Gretchen said. she was an old lady with really bad temper, if I had entered 3 seconds later she would've bit my head off ... literally.

I took a seat next some hippy girl. her bright orange hair reminded me of the sun this morning.

" Now! Class, open to page 254 and start reading." this is what I call, hell.


"Rose."Jacob yelled across the court yard. " hey." I kissed him and I went back to reading my book.

" Where were this morning? I was waiting for you to pick me up." I gasped. " I woke up late, I thought you were already at school. I'm sorry."

He sat down with pain. that's when I remembered about his rib. " how are you?" He took a deep breath.

"Much better. thanks." I smiled and closed by book. " Do you want to go the surfing rock tonight. there is supposed to be a meteor shower."

I have never seen one before, " yeah, sounds like fun Bebe."

The bell rang for 8 period. i kissed Jacob one last time and left to class.

The rest of the day was boring. When I got home my brother was in the drive way, he looked pissed.

" Hey,'s your keys." His face got so red steam was about to come out of his ears.


Ok now I was pissed. it's just some stupid car it's not like I broke it or something.

" Calm your self." I took off my back back and went inside. it was 1 in the afternoon and I couldn't wait to see Jacob.

" You really need a car." I widened my eyes and grinned. " DID YOU BUY ME A CAR!!!" I squealed in excitement.

Luke raised an eyebrow " Um no, I wouldn't waist my money on a car that will be yours. mom and dad bought you the car." he crossed his arms.

I jumped up and down. " WHERE IS IT, WHERE IS IT!!!" Luke pointed to the garage. I ran the door and I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was a 2015 Jeep Wrangler unlimited, the color was Matte black on black!! This was the best day ever.

My mom and dad stood there with a camera. I knew they were going to record my reaction.

I ran over to the car and opened the door, the windows were tinted and inside was so dark. the seats were made out of black leather ! the grip on the wheel was to perfection!! And the most beautiful thing of it all was the stereo system!

I got out the car and hugged my mom then my dad. " THANK YOU!!!"

" If I just see one scratch on it, your grounded for the rest of your life." my mom said smiling, I really didn't care that much I was in LA LA land with a beauty!

My dad handed me the keys. "Take it for a drive."

I put the key in and the engine. I turned on the music and put it all the way up.

This was so AWESOME! Driving just felt so good, and even better if I went super fast.

An hour had past and I decided it was time to go home. when I got there Luke was throwing a bitch fit.

" Why didn't you buy me a car!! I had to buy my own because you didn't want to pay for mine!" My dad rolled his eyes.

Suddenly all eyes were on me. "So? How was the car." my face brightened when they said car. " it was amazing thank you."

I went up to my room. I was so exhausted, but I still couldn't wait to see the meteor shower tonight with Jacob.

The sun was nice and high. it was 3 in the afternoon, and thinking about it... I'm going to take a nap. I just love naps.

I cuddled in bed and soon after Max came in with his shinny gold hair next to me.


I put on my earring and a few accessories. I looked in the mirror. I was all ready to go. grabbing MY keys and purse, I went out.

The sky was so clear, you could see the shining stars just sitting there.

I got to the surfing rock and saw Jacob. I walked over to him. " hey." I kissed his soft cherry lips.

" So you ready?" I nodded. we sat there and waited for the the sky to light up like no other.

Jacob wrapped his arm around my waist. I snuggled my head into his chest. he looked down at me.

"I love you." his eyes with wonder and lust.

" I love you too."

We collided lips and then the sky started to rain stars.

It was the perfect day.

That is the END of this book. My fear was a good book I have to say. thank you south for the people that have supported this book.

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( next book will be up in a few days! It's called Mate. just go to my profile and you will see the book.) thanks love.

Until the next book~ Kimberly😘

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