Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


These past few days have been the most stressful days of my life. I thought the auditions were stressful, then the chemistry reading was a whole other level, but what I feel right now is definitely not just stress. It's been 4 days since the chemistry reading, and so far, I haven't received any calls or e-mails about the results of that day. I also haven't seen anything getting posted online so that means there is still a chance that I'll get the role. Luckily my friends been really supportive and understanding with me, because I've literally been a walking timed bomb ready to explode at any second. But finally, the silence was broken today. While I was sitting in a cute little coffee shop with the girls, trying to clear my head, my phone rang. It was my agent, Brooklyn.

"Hi Darla, do you have a minute?" she asked.

"Morning Brook! Yeah, sure go ahead!"

"Are you sitting down, because if not I think it's your clue to do just that."

"Okay..." I answered not having a single idea why was she acting like that.

"YOU GOT THE ROLE, DARLA!!!" she screamed.

Suddenly, I felt like the room was spinning and like I was about to throw up. That must have caused a visible change in my expression because Sav instantly turned into full on mommy mode.

"Are you okay Darls? What's going on? Do you need water? Do you want to leave?"

I only managed to shake my head to answer Sav's first question, because honestly, I was not okay. Then I thanked Brooklyn for calling me and promising her a call back later to discuss the details. After hanging up the phone I told the girls that we should go back to my place. Leaving the coffee shop, still shocked, with a worried Savannah and a happy and chatty Kayla at my side, we made our way back to my apartment. And that brings us to the present, where I'm sitting in my living room with the girls, while trying to call Nate. After the third attempt he finally pick up, sounding a bit irritated.

"That shit better be important, Darls! I was having great conversation with the hot barista at the coffee near my workplace, I'm sure he was about to ask me out, but the constant ringing of my phone must have scared him away. So, what's going on?"

"First of all, hi Nate, good to speak to you too! Second, how many times do I have to tell you to stop harassing that poor barista? Anyways, do you have a minute? I want to tell you something."

"Yeah, now that you made sure I still single for the rest of my life, I definitely have more than a minute." he says, sounding like a toddler.

"Don't act like that, I'm putting you on speaker. The girls are here too."

After the girls and Nate greet each other over the phone, I finally get to tell all of them the big news.

"Sooo..." I say. "There is something I want to tell you all, but you have to keep it a secret for a bit. Which means not telling it to anyone, and not posting it anywhere." I shoot a pointed look at Kayla, because well, I know her too well.

"Okay, I pinkie-promise!" she says while showing me her little finger.

"I got the role." I say.

Nate shouts some "Oh my Gods" and "I can't believe its", while Sav starts crying like a proud mom, and Kayla full on screams some weird things on the top of her lungs like "Holy Guacamole, Batman!" and other nonsense shit like that. After everybody gets down from the high of their excitement, they start asking me different questions, but I could only answer a handful of them, because I still don't know too much. Once they run out of questions, Kayla suggests that we should go to the nearby bar later to celebrate, and we all agree to meet at Sav's at 9.30 pm so her husband, David, could take us to the bar. We say goodbye to each other, and after the girls leave, I call my parents to tell them the good news, and also Brooklyn to let her fill me in with the details. After all that I start getting ready to enjoy a night out with my friends.

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