Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


It's a Sunday night, and just like always I'm spending my evening in the local bar with Seb. We've been meeting up every weekend for a long time now, to have a couple of drinks and our weekly chat, and as much as I don't like the idea of the unwanted attention, I do look forward to this time of the week. As I sit at our usual spot, at the booth in the corner, nursing my whiskey, I wait for my friend. Luckily, a couple of minutes later Seb arrives, with his signature beer bottle in hand.

"Xander! How is it going?" he asks, as he takes a seat on the other side of the table.

"I'm doing great, thanks for asking!" I answer shortly before taking a sip of my drink.

"How is the new acting gig? When do you start rehearsing?"

"Oh, it's been great so far, rehearsals are starting tomorrow and I'm actually looking forward to it." I reply.

"Wow, look at you, Xander. What happened? I genuinely can't remember the last time you sounded this excited about something and I've known you for a pretty long time." he says smiling.

"Umm, nothing. I always look forward to rehearsals, because they mean that the exciting stuff is about to begin." I answer honestly.

"Yeah, I know, but you seem different. Like, I don't know how to explain this, you just look different." he tries to explain, while waving his hands around. "Anyways, and what about the girl you are co-staring with? She seems nice."

"Oh, um, you mean, Darla? Yeah, um, we haven't really had the chance to talk, but yeah, she seems nice."

"Are you blushing, Xander?" he asks.

"Um, no!? Must be the lighting." I quickly answer.

"OH MY GOD! You are blushing! I haven't seen you blush since like 3rd grade when you tried to ask Sarah Brown on a date. I'm calling some reporter, it's a historical moment, they're going to love it."

"I think you drank way too much, we should call it a day, wouldn't be a good idea to go to your fancy meetings hangover tomorrow." I say.

"I'm not drunk, and we are not going anywhere until you open that pretty mouth of yours and tell me every single detail! So, if you want to be able to wake up in the morning and go to your rehearsals, you should start spilling the tea, because if not we will be here 'till the fucking sunrise." he says firmly.

"Seb, nothing is going on. I haven't even spoken to her, I only saw her once on that stupid chemistry reading that was organised by Robert. We danced, because it was mandatory, and yes it was nice, I won't lie, but I can't do anything, and I really mean it. I've already signed a fucking contract agreeing that I'll keep my relationship casual with her, so it does not matter how gorgeous she is, I really can't go there. I can't risk my job and my fucking career Seb. So please, drop the topic."

Seb stares at me for a couple of second, before he could say anything in reply, and that's when I realise, I might have said too much. Just before I could freak out, he takes a big swing from his beer, and finally starts speaking.

"Okay, first, let's just say I did not expect you to answer like that, but the honesty is really appreciated. Second, who the fuck made you sign that contract? Because I swear to God once I find out, I'll kill them. And third, I would like to ask you who are you, and what did you do to the Alexender I know?" he asks while laughing.

"Very funny." I reply. "Do you mind if I get going now? I have to wake up early tomorrow, and I still have to read through some of the scenes before I could go to bed." I ask, while standing up, drinking the rest of my whiskey and gathering my stuff.

"No, actually I should go too. It was nice to catch up a little bit." he answers, mirroring my movements. "I'm paying, you go ahead and enjoy your night. Have fun tomorrow, Xander. See you next week!" he says as he heads to the bartender to pay.

And just like that,after a quick bye I'm on my way to spend the rest of my night with working, inmy apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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