A/n and requests (please read)

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Welcome to Stanger One Shots!

I wasn't quite able to let these characters go and I now, many of you probably weren't either. But the good news is, we don't have to.
I won't be writing a whole new book like the first two but small moments or scenes that take place within both stories.

Please be aware that there are spoilers for both books, so I recommend reading them before reading this.
I'm not actively writing these one shots, they will come whenever I got time and an idea for a chapter. So, I can't promise regular updates.
As for right now, I have 5 one shots for this book.

You can request any kind of chapter. Whether that be fluff, angst, smut, a previous chapter from a different pov, something I mentioned in a chapter but didn't describe any further, or just anything you want to see. I can't promise to write everything but I still hope this will make the ending of book two less ultimate.

Please request here (this sentence or the previous one, so I have it all in one place.)
If you have any idea later on while reading another chapter, you can request there as well, but it's more likely that I will remember the request if it's in here :D

I will be jumping between times in these chapters but I'll try to give some sort of orientation at the beginning of the chapter, so you know when it is set.
If it's set in a previous book, I'll try to name the chapters surrounding it.

With that being said, I hope you enjoy this <3
Love to you all <3

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