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Rose: 12
Lynn: 3 1/2
Dahlia: 16 months

Pov y/n

"Come on, in you go." I say and close the door behind Lynn and Rose.

They have been playing outside for the last two hours but now that it's getting dark, I want them back in the house.
It's also gotten quite cold since we got November and I don't want them to catch a cold.
Having two sick children will instantly resolute in three thick children and we really don't need that.

Dahlia had a bit of a fever two weeks ago and that was already exhausting. She wouldn't sleep through the nights and woke up crying. I'm just glad no one caught it from her and we're all healthy at the moment.

"I'm a knight, Mama." Lynn tells me proudly as I unzip his jacket and help him out of his shoes.

"You are?" I ask and he nods.

"I defend the prince from the monster." He giggles happily and points outside. Out on the porch is a little collection of sticks.
Whenever we go to the park now, he collects a new stick and insists on taking it with him. We allow it because there's no harm and we got enough space in the backyard.

"Did you defend the prince with your sort?" I ask and take his jacket and shoes in one hand while taking his little hand into the other. He nods and points to Rose who is putting her jacket up in the hallway.

"Rose helped."
Rose nods and takes Lynn from me to go wash hands.

"I did. The dragon was very evil and wouldn't back down until we fought him off for good." She tells me.

I follow them to the bathroom and lean against the doorframe with a smile. Lynn climbs onto his little stool to wash his hands. Rose pumps some soap into his and her own hands and helps him clean them. She's such a great big sister and loves spending time with her brother.
I know, she doesn't play pretend anymore, at least not on her own, so I really appreciate her playing it with Lynn. That's the advantage of having multiple children, they have one another to play with.

"Can I have some screen time? I already did my homework from today." She asks and looks at me.

It's Friday afternoon, so things are relaxed and we're all winding down from the week. Well, as much winding down as you can do with three kids in the house.

Scarlett and I aren't strict about Rose's screen time, as she calls it. She's got a little TV in her room to watch shows on without having to sit in the living room. Rose is twelve now, so it's natural that she wants some time to herself and might not want to sit in the living room where most of the action happens.
So, we got her a TV for her last birthday. We don't want her to spend all her time in front of it though, so we made a rule about asking before she uses it so we can have an eye on it as well.

This way we can help regulate her time and teach her to plan her time. We don't want her to spend all her time up in her room and watching TV, especially not because she's a very active kid but the TV can tempt you into staying in bed all day.
Once she's old enough and learned to be responsible with her TV time, she won't have to ask every time. For now, we like to have an eye on it though.

Obviously, we don't know for sure if she turns it off when we tell her but we trust her. Besides, we all hid a few things from our parents around that age and that's okay. In the end, we know Rose will talk to us if something isn't right or bothering her.

"Yes, you can. Enjoy it, sweetie." I reply and receive a kiss on the cheek in thanks as she heads upstairs.

"Alright, little shark. What do you wanna do?" I ask and watch Lynn run to the living room.

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