Missing jeans

717 44 14

Set: Not sure honestly, but even Dahlia is at least 6

Pov y/n

"Babe?" I call into the bedroom as I pull a shirt over my head.

"Yeah?" Scar calls back and looks up from her phone. Her eyes dart over my body and linger on my naked legs.

"Have you seen my pants?" I ask, searching around the bedroom for them. Even without looking at her, I can tell she's watching me.

"Depends. Which ones are you talking about? You got a few." She points out and I hum in response while lifting some clothes off our armchair.

We used it to nurse Lynn or Dahlia when they were babies but they don't need it anymore. But it was too nice to throw out so now it just holds our clothes.
I'm honestly surprised we didn't have a chair like that earlier. I feel like everyone has that one chair that they throw clothes on at the end of the day. The clothes that you might wear again or not but they are not for the laundry just yet.

"You know, you don't have to wear any pants for me." Scar tells me suggestively and I feel her presence behind me.

Her hands sneak around my body, resting on my stomach. I lean up and into her embrace. She's warm and comfy. Since I'm fresh out of the shower, the air around us feels a little cold, especially with naked legs.
So, having her wrapped around me feels really nice. My head leans against hers without me controlling it. It has become a natural reaction after being together for a couple of years.

"To be honest, I actually prefer you without them anyway." She continues and slowly trails one hand down my hip and to my thigh.

The touch tickles a little but also feels like a tease. I shift my weight from one foot to the other and close my eyes, enjoying the feeling. Her forefinger draws slow circles into my inner thigh, coming dangerously close to my underwear.

"I know, but I got work." I whine but don't make a move to push her hand away.

"I know..." She trails off, her hand still very distracting and arousing.

"And I need to be there on time, I got a presentation." I say weakly.

Denying her has always been difficult for me. Mostly, because I want it too and wouldn't mind if it went any further.
But we both know we don't got that time right now. The kids are currently taken to school by different car pools.
With three kids and three different schools it's not easy taking everyone to their school in the morning.

So, I'm very thankful for carpools. This way, we have to carpool once a week but otherwise don't have to worry about it. We take the kids solo as well, it's just nice to get some extra time with them in the morning. But sometimes it's just as nice to have that taken care of because it gives us a few more minutes to get ready.

Scar sighs and withdraws her hand from my thigh. I instantly miss her touch but know it's for the better. We tend to lose track of time when we have sex and I really have to be in time for work today. We're presenting a new project to the company's boss and we really want it to be turned into something.

"I was speaking about my grey jeans." I specify and put my hands on my hips while looking around the room. Scar settles on the edge of our bed.

"The ones you were wearing yesterday?" She asks and I nod, spinning to face her.
"Yes! Those ones." I agree.

"I put them in the laundry." She tells me with a shrug. I pull a grimace and drop my hands, walking over to the bed and falling face first into the duvet.

"I wanted to wear them today." I mumble into the sheets, which she surprisingly understands.

"I didn't know that, sorry. But you've been wearing them for so long now, I felt like they needed a wash." She explains.

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