Lake Day

834 45 8

Ages: Rose 10, Lynn 17 months

Pov y/n

"Are you excited to go to the lake, little shark?" I ask Lynn, who smiles up at me and wiggles his hands happily. He babbles something but it's difficult to understand him.

"Yeah, I can tell. Maybe we can take you with us into the water. But you won't be able to go diving yet. You understand that though, don't you?" I ask and tickle his tummy.

He giggles and squirms a little in my lap. Going to the lake seemed like the best idea for today. It's hot and we don't have any other plans.
Rose was begging to go to the lake since we got here. She still remembers when we visited my family for the first time. Back then it was winter and going to the lake was a very different experience.
It was frozen back then but now it's not and calling our names.

Mom is working but the twins are home. Well, Bennett is. Marla is currently out with Flo. They wanted to join us at the lake at some point today but weren't sure when. She told me, she'll text me though.
With four people already in the house, we figured it's easier to stay at a hotel while we are here.
It's a little weird to be at a hotel in your home town but with one kid and a baby, it was the easiest option. Mom still insists on having us over every night to have a family dinner and I love that.

"Mommy and Rosie sure take a while to get everything, don't they?" I ask and hold Lynn's hands when he pushes himself up.

He can almost walk on his own. He's a little out of balance if he doesn't have anything to hold on to but I'm sure it won't take long until he got that figured out as well. Whenever he can, he pulls himself up and just looks around as if the world was different from that angle. I suppose, for him it is.

I look out to the gas station. We needed to fill up the car and Rose begged to have some ice cream. Scar agreed and took her to pay the gas and pick out the ice cream. Lynn and I stayed in the car.
The AC is on, so it's not overheating.
It would've been easier to leave him in his seat but I couldn't resist.

He was looking at me with those big green eyes and made grabby hands at me, so I got him out of his car seat and took him onto my lap. Now he's bopping up and down while holding on to the steering wheel.
He loves doing this, especially when we put music on. Watching him dance is easily one of the cutest things I have witnessed.

"If they don't come out any time soon, we might have to file a missing person's report." I joke and look out the window to the shop.

Lynn babbles something and leans forward. His tummy pushes against the honk. He stumbles back from the sudden noise and looks shocked. It's hard not to start laughing at how adorable his stunned face looks. I gently pad his tummy.

"You just honked the car." I explain to him and kiss the top of his head. Looks like the loud noise scared him a little. If I would have known he was able to do this, I would've kept a closer eye on him.

"Oh, but look. Rose and Mommy are coming back." I tell him in an attempt to distract him. He looks at where I point and smiles excitedly.

"That's more than just some ice cream." I comment and eye the bag of chips Scarlett is carrying along with some gummy bears.

"Mom said it's okay to buy more, we are on vacation." Rose tells me happily, handing me her ice cream to get buckled up.

I look amused at my wife who just shrugs and grins. When Rose is buckled up, I give her the ice cream back and get out to put Lynn into his seat as well. He doesn't really mind and allows me to strap him in properly.

"You know, we were coming out anyway, there was no need to honk. Or did you miss us so badly?" Scar teases while I start the car. I roll my eyes at her.

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