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    It was a Sunday night at almost 11pm, and where were you? Working at your job at the local gas station, of course. And to top it off, it was Extermination Day of all things. Of course they'd have you working at a time like this, but you really needed the money and you were the only one willing to work a practical death sentence, so it was what it was.

    You stretched and looked at the clock; and to your relief (and anxiety) it was finally 11. So, you set the alarm to the building, and walked up to the door. For a moment you braced yourself. "You can do this [Y/n]... the apartment is only about two minutes from here and you can sprint." So you gingerly stepped out the door, locked up, and bolted.

    The static on your screen got louder as you ran faster, at this point you were gasping for air and praying to Lucifer that an angel wouldn't see you; the streets were nearly empty since anyone in their right mind wouldn't be outside during such a deadly event so you were a very easy target. Tears formed in your 'eyes' as the fear in your heart grew and grew. "Please.. please spare me..." you whimpered to yourself.

    You finally reached your apartment complex, unlocked the door faster than you ever had before and slammed it behind you. You had made it alive. At this point you were crying. You slid down to the floor, emotionally overwhelmed, scared, yet thankful you had survived. You sat down and just let yourself cry for a few minutes. You could have waited until you got to your room, but you knew damn well Bliss, your girlfriend, wouldn't appreciate that. Soft, labored breaths left your speakers, barely audible.

    You finally felt okay to enter your room, but when you looked up the receptionist was staring at you from behind the desk judgmentally. As you passed him, he hissed at you, "Fuckin' pussy." You ignored him and walked up the stairs to the second floor where your apartment was. You knocked on the door and it opened; Bliss standing in front of you. She looked annoyed, but she looked like that half the time so you were accustomed.

    You took a few steps inside, but unexpectedly, Bliss slammed the door behind you and pushed you into the wall. "The fuck is this?!" She yelled into your face, and held up your phone, pointing to a conversation you had with your friend Leon last night. 'Shit...' you thought, remembering the events of yesterday.

    You had found yourself in the bathroom crying again. Luckily it was quite soundproof so when you came in here, your girlfriend, the root cause of the episodes wouldn't hear you. You curled up against the wall, shivering and hiccuping as the tears just kept on flowing.

    With a shaky hand you pulled your phone out of your pocket and opened messages.

"Hey Leon.. can I talk to you?"

"Of course! Are you okay..?"


"What's up."

"I- I had another fight with Bliss."

"What did she do this time."

"It was probably my fault anyway.

A Second Chance..? (Lute x Sinner!Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now