•Chapter One: The Meeting•

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    And to your horror you saw a figure approaching. An angel was stalking towards you, smiling a menacing smile.

    You looked up from your involuntary spot on the ground into the 'eyes', or LED lights resembling such, of the form approaching. She walked slowly, every step agonizing to witness as if she intended to draw out your fear, which she probably did. 

    Although your vision was a bit blurry you could clearly see it when her steps came to a stop as she raised her blade above you. You winced, closed your eyes and waited for impact, accepting your fate; but although you knew there was nothing you could do to change what was about to happen, it didn't stop the tears from coming.

    Agonizingly slow seconds passed.


    Then more.

    And more.

    You looked up again. Now, she'd lowered her weapon, and was looking at you with a blank slate expression. It could just be your imagination but you could have sworn there was a hint of curiosity, or maybe even sympathy there too.

    "What happened to you. Nobody with a will to live is out on the streets during Extermination Day, especially during the last hour." She spoke in a notably emotionless tone.

    You tried to sit up a little, but only managed to lift your head up a bit to make better eye contact. "My girlfriend found out I was venting to a friend about a situation that happened with her and she hurt me badly.. s- she left me here to die." You said with a sense of shame.

    The angel knelt down on the ground, and asked, "What kind of situation." Your eyes drifted to the ground as you replied, "I was kind of in desperate need of money for food, and she has a job that pays a lot more than mine, so I asked to borrow some and she called me a codependent bitch."

    "Hm." The angel stood back up, dusted herself off and spoke once again. "Go hide. You're an easy target and will almost definitely die if you stay out here." But before she could take off you replied,

    "I- I can't exactly move right now." She looked back down at you, still holding a blank expression. With an annoyed sigh she walked back over to you.

    Before you could process what was happening, she grabbed onto your shoulders, which immediately erupted in fiery pain, and started dragging you down the sidewalk. You yelped in pain but she didn't seem to care, and only told you to "shut up" in response.

    She kept dragging you for about a minute until the both of you reached an alleyway where she pulled you inside and set you down. "Stay here and be quiet for about 20 more minutes. And don't tell anyone this happened or I will hunt you down." You nodded, a bit scared, but also unbelievably thankful and shocked by her mercy.

    As she was about to take off, you blurted out, "I'm [Y/n] by the way, thank you— uh, what's your name?"

    She scoffed. "What makes you think I'd tell you that?" But then hesitated and spoke again, "Lute." You smiled at her.

    "Thank you Lute." She nodded at you with an empty expression, and then finally flew off.

    After she left, it felt as though your adrenaline had run out and the agony begun to set in. You bit down on your shirt to stop yourself from screaming out in pain; firelike sensations burned brighter than ever all over you and sharp, stabbing pains pierced you where scrapes and cuts littered your body. You wouldn't be surprised if you had several broken or fractured bones judging by the sensations under your skin and flesh.

    You sat in the alleyway rocking back and forth, occasionally biting down hard on your tattered shirt to cope with the urge to cry out that constantly tore through you. You checked the time over and over.






    Until finally,


    You immediately opened up your phone app and called Leon. "Leon oh my god, please- ow, fuck- come pick me up, I'm in an alleyway left of my apartment complex and I'm badly- ow- injured!"

    "[Y/n] what happened- ok, uh, explain it to me later but I'm on my way." He hung up the phone and all you could do was wait for your friend to arrive.

    For now, all you could do was wait and hope nobody saw you and decided to take advantage of your injured state.

[•]___...20 Minutes...___[•]

    To your relief, a car pulled in. You recognized it as Leon's, and he stepped out of the drivers side door and rushed to your aid. You looked into his caring eyes, and through his concern he gave you a reassuring smile. 

    He checked to make sure you were ok and grabbed you, dragging you into the back seat of his car. "Can you buckle in yourself..?" You nodded at him, and a smile twitched onto his face before he closed the door and entered the front seat. "Well, uh, let's go, alright?"

    The car started moving forward, and he turned it around, making his way back home.

    After a few minutes, Leon spoke up. "How did this even- even happen? You're pretty messed up, wa- was it Bliss?" With a shameful expression, you aimed your vision towards the ground and hummed an "mhm" in confirmation.

    "Oh fuck, I'm so sorry hun. I promise I won't let her- her get to you again. Do you need to talk about it while we're driving?" You sighed, and took in how messed up the situation had gotten you. You came to the conclusion that you may need to vent a bit.

    "Ow- well, uh, she found the- agh- conversation we had and got really pissed- ow- and threw me out the window- fuck! Sorry, I'm like in a lot of- ow- pain right now." You explained to him. You couldn't really talk very smoothly now that the adrenaline had worn off and the immense pain started to hit you.

    "No no, hey, you're good. Take as much time as you need [Y/n]. But how did you survive? Like, and get to the- the ally and stuff?" You thought back to your interaction with the angel, Lute, if you remembered her name correctly. You also remembered the promise she made you keep of not telling anyone about how she spared you.

   "I guess the- ow- adrenaline kept me going long- ow- long enough to hide." He nodded, buying the coverup.

    Finally, two of you pulled into the driveway of his home. He unbuckled, got out, and opened your door. "Hey, you ready to go in?" He asked you with a smile.


First actual chapter is out :D

I hope y'all liked this!! I've been chipping away on it for the past- I think it's been a week? And I think it came out alright! Stay tuned for the next one <3

Word Count: 1129

A Second Chance..? (Lute x Sinner!Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now