•Chapter Two: Recovery•

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    Leon had you sat down at the sofa with a cup of ice water. You were in a lot of pain, but it was much more tolerable now that you were in comfortable seating. At the moment you were just waiting for him to come back in the room to look you over. You were lucky he'd spent a bit of time in medical school before he died, you didn't quite trust the doctors in hell. He never got an actual degree or anything unfortunately, but it was better than putting yourself to the mercy of an unknown sinner.

    After a couple minutes he entered the room with some bandages, soap, and pain meds. "Alright, I got you some pain pills you can take, but you'll need- you'll need to wait until I'm done with the quick exam so it's results are more accurate, alright?" he explained. You nodded at him, understanding.

    He set down the items and knelt down beside the sofa. "First of all, where did you fall- like, like what did you land on, like your back, front, feet..?" You answered him, "I landed on my stomach."

    He nodded at you, and then inhaled awkwardly. "Alright, uh, I'm gonna need to do a quick general exam, are you comfortable with that? I- I mean it's kinda important but if you don't want to I won't make you.." he explained to you nervously.

    Trying to ignore the awkwardness surrounding the concept of your lifelong best friend, who was like a brother to you, having to look over your body, you agreed.

    You took off your shirt and let him briefly look over you; to your relief he didn't mention any broken bones, but you were pretty beat up, having obtained quite a few bruises, scrapes, and cuts.

    As soon as he was done examining, disinfecting, and bandaging your upper half you put your shirt back on, happy to have coverage again. 

    Then he had to move onto your legs. He stepped out of the room to let you take off your pants in privacy (you kept on your underwear, which could have potentially been a risky move but you really didn't want Leon to see your nether regions) and came back in once you were ready.

     After he came back, he tried to rush the process as much as safely possible. Luckily there was no major damage to your legs but you still had some spots that needed to be bandaged.

    When the final bandage had been placed, you breathed a sigh of relief and immediately put your pants back on. You aimed your gaze and the ground awkwardly but of course also gave a gracious "thank you" to him.

    "Hey Lee," you begun with his long-time nickname, "is it alright if I crash in your bedroom for a while? I'm exhausted." He nodded at you and reminded you that you could call him if you needed anything. You thanked him again and briskly walked into the guest room.

    With a satisfied sigh you plopped onto the bed and fell asleep almost immediately.


    Hazily, you woke up in what appeared to be... clouds? You stumbled to a set of gates where a kind looking man greeted you from behind a podium. He asked for your name, and you replied: "[Y/n] [L/n]?" Feeling quite confused.

    "Ah, yes, you're right here!" He pointed to a page in a book. "Step right in darling." You cautiously stepped through a set of golden gates, and as soon as you did, a beautiful view greeted you. It was a sunny landscape with shops, parks, ice cream parlors, and not a single crime, fight, or even disagreement could be seen. It was incredible. Was this Heaven?

    Suddenly a gloved pair of hands gripped your own. "You're here! You're finally here! Come on, I have so much to show you!" The woman seemed familiar. You looked up at her, taking note of her black and white wings, pale skin, black halo, stark white hair, and finally gazed into her golden eyes.

    It was - - - -. You could finally live at peace together... —

    With a sudden jolt, you shot up in bed. Memories of the dream flooded your thoughts, but within moments most had faded. 'Shit, what was her name? How did I get there?' But one thing wouldn't leave your head: those golden, striking eyes.

    After grounding yourself for a minute, you realized you actually felt a lot better physically. You checked the time and discovered that at the moment it was almost 4:30am. Leon would almost definitely be asleep by now and knowing him he'd be sleeping in until at least 12 considering tonight's events, and you yourself were sleep deprived and exhausted.

    You decided to grab a glass of water, maybe a quick snack, and head back to bed. You sat up and stretched out your arms, yawning deeply, and then stood up. You knew the general layout of Leon's place so you should be able to find your way to the kitchen.

    After a minute of walking you stepped out onto the tiled floor and made your way to the sink. You grabbed a cup and filled it up with tap water, downing it in seconds after. You then grabbed a few saltine crackers and ate them while leaning on the counter and trying to remember more details of the dream.

    'That girl reminded me a lot of Lute, but I dunno. Even if my head did show me a scenario with her, it was all just made up, I doubt heaven resembles that world in the slightest and her face probably looks way different. Weird as hell.'  You thought to yourself while munching on the flavorless crackers.

    As you popped the last cracker in your mouth, you started walking back to your room. You opened the door, trying to stay as quiet as possible, and then closed it behind you, drowning the room in darkness. You hopped back into bed and felt your consciousness drifting, as you fell into a peaceful slumber.


    Lute checked the clock for the... she wasn't even sure how many times she had today at that point, and saw that it was almost 12! Feeling oddly excited compared to her usual mood, she opened her door and rushed to the pearly gates as fast as her wings would carry her.

    And there she saw them. [Y/n].

    Lute jolted awake and looked around the room, feeling thoroughly confused, until she realized she'd been dreaming. "What on earth.." she mumbled to herself as the dream faded a bit further away.

    Why was she dreaming about that sinner? "Gosh. They're getting into your head, Lute. Control your thoughts, you can't get attached to one of those awful sinners." 

    But despite this, the thoughts lingered in her head. Maybe she'd see them again one day. And if it did happen, she wasn't sure if she'd be complaining. She felt disgusted with herself for having not only spared one of them, but directly saved them as well, and now she wanted to see them again? No, it was just her head messing with her.

    She groaned and rolled back into bed. Maybe in the morning she'd feel like herself again.



Word Count: 1211

A Second Chance..? (Lute x Sinner!Reader) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now