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I woke up dry, a warm, soft tunic on my body, one that I did not in fact own. My head pounded, and my vision was slowly adjusting. I was in Nektarios's room, to my surprise. My body was wrapped up in a soft blanket, pillows propping my head up.
"Huh..?" I mumbled, rubbing the bridge of my nose. The room was empty, so Nektarios was presumably doing something else. I looked around, before hugging a pillow to my chest. I could barely recall what happened, and I felt bad for making Nektarios stress out.
My mouth felt dry, and it hurt to swallow when I tried, so I was relieved when I found a beautifully decorated cup, with water inside of it, greedily drinking it until it was empty. I was hungry too, but to my dismay, there was no food for me, and I was too tired to get up.
Suddenly, someone entered the room. It was Selene, with a bowl of fruit in her hands. "Fotis, you're awake!" She called out, approaching me. "Nektarios told me that you almost drowned today, so I wanted to help you." She explained, her voice gentle.
"Can I..?" I asked her, pointing at the bowl of fruits. She nodded, handing me the bowl. I grabbed the grapes in one swift motion, the taste juicy on my tongue.
"How are you feeling?" Selene asked me gently, her voice soothing to my ears.
"Not the best..." I admitted, clearing my throat in hopes of it feeling less dry, but to no avail.
"I'll tell his Highness that you're awake." Selene told me, before leaving to fetch the prince.
I waited for some time until he actually came. Nektarios looked slightly disheveled, his eyes bloodshot, but even that couldn't hide his remarkably handsome features, the features that glowed as though he were a god. "Fotis? Are you alright?" Nektarios asked me. I used to hate his voice, but then I did not hate it anymore. It was gentle like the calming breeze, and I wouldn't be surprised if he sounded even more mesmerizing than sirens.
"Yeah..." I mumbled, my eyes glazed over. I couldn't stop thinking about him...looking at him. It was as though he was a sickness I could never truly get rid of.
But would a sickness make me feel this pleasant..?
"That is good..." He said with a sigh, brushing a strand of brown hair out of my face, which made me blush. "Did you eat the fruits and drink the water yet?" He asked. "I want you to be in better condition."
I nodded in response. "Yes, I have." I then turned red, remembering that I was in his bed. "Do you want me to leave..?" I questioned him curiously.
He shook his head. "You seem slightly shaken up, so you can stay here tonight, if you wish. I can ask my father to send up servants. They will prepare a bed for you."
I tried to stop myself, but a slight smile showed on my face. "I would like that...yes." I responded.

That night, I laid down on the makeshift bed beside his own, glancing at him. The room was almost pitch black, the only thing illuminating it were the stars and the moon in the sky, which shone down on the two of us. He looked almost as gentle awake as he did asleep, his muscles splayed out randomly, his cheek pressed against his pillow. I couldn't fall asleep just yet, but he had no trouble sleeping, I noticed. He almost immediately began to rest once his head hit his soft pillows. I called out for him, only to realize he wasn't awake. I sighed, shifting in the bed that was prepared for me. It was soft, softer than my bed in the servants quarters. It sadly was not as soft as Nektarios's bed, for he was the prince, after all. I longed to climb in it and feel the warmth of the blankets and his soft skin brushing against my own. I looked away from him, embarrassed by my selfish thoughts. What was I thinking? The first time I met him I envied him, and now I wanted to become closer with him? It just didn't make sense.
The night was slow, the only noise in the room being Nektarios's even and slow breaths, and the slight shift of my body. I didn't know how long it was until I finally fell asleep, but when I did I was welcomed by a nightmare, about the woman's cold, dead body. I wished to wake up, but I felt as though I was unable to. When I finally did, the only thing to lull me back to sleep was Nektarios's breaths. They were gentle, as though he was composing a melody. Everything he did was like a sweet melody to my ears. I didn't know why it took so long for me to realize that.

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