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I arrived shortly after that, marveling at the sights I had not seen before, new places. I draped a warm blanket over my shoulders, the weather colder than I remembered. I heard whispers as I passed by, but I assumed it was nothing, and walked along.
    I walked towards the palace, hoping to spot Nektarios. I wondered if we could ever be like how we were again. I saw him. He was sullenly strumming his lyre on a bench, kicking his legs up and down in a rhythmic motion.
    "Nektarios?" I called out to him. He looked as beautiful as before, with his dark brown hair that curled at the ends, his freckled cheeks and mesmerizing eyes. He paled, and a weak smile appeared on his face. I knew then that something was wrong. He would never have greeted me so badly before, so what changed?
    "Is he here, Nektarios?" Someone called out. I felt conflicted as I heard the voice of Phoebe.
    We sat in his room, the room I had not seen in so long. It smelt the same, and so did he, the scent of his skin and soft hair always never failed to amaze me. I wondered if Phoebe was a friend of his. I felt guilty, knowing how distant we had become.
    "I am sorry that I have always been so distant." I mumbled, my gaze away from his own. He pulled my face towards his own and smiled.
    "It is alright. This is all my fault...I was the one that allowed you to leave and head back to Thebes." Nektarios told me.
    I shook my head, but I felt relieved that he forgave me, my body relaxing as I held him in my arms.
He gave me a grim smile, before slumping down in his bed, exhaustion showing heavily on his face.
And it was all because of me, because he didn't know how to handle the separation.
If I did not leave, I would die, and he would lose me.
But I did not expect that me leaving would cause me to lose him.
We were distant now.
I believe that gut wrenching feeling is far worse, because at least when you are dead you cannot feel pain.
    I sighed, looking at his exhausted face. I wanted to run my fingers through his hair, and tell him it would all be okay- but I felt like I couldn't.
    "I am sorry, I had no idea anything happened between you and the prince." Selene mumbled apologetically, burying her face in her hands in complete embarrassment. I explained to her what had happened, including the past relationship I had with Nektarios.
It was over because I never responded to his letters.
    "It is okay." I said softly, smiling grimly at her. Selene traced patterns into the grainy sand. My eyes stung, and I swallowed hard. "I do not want to lose him for my actions, but I fear that there is no way to get our relationship back."
    After a silence, Selene spoke up. "I have to go, I have work to do at the palace." Selene said, getting up before I could say anything back to her.

    Nektarios and I sat in his chambers, the bedsheets soft and cool against my damp skin. He began resting his head on my shoulder.
The room was silent, the wind blowing the fabric of our tunics. The warmth of his skin on mine was enough for me to feel calm, however. I was glad he still seemed to love me, even if the love felt different than before.
Inching closer to him, his body was feeling warm against my skin. I breathed in his scent some more, and knew I would never get enough of it. I treasured him too much to do so, and I knew that was dangerous, but let myself believe otherwise anyways. I grabbed ahold of his arms, feeling the muscles that felt as if they were carved from stone. He somehow looked so weak when it came to appearance, but this made me remember how strong he actually was. He grabbed hold of my tunic, kissing my lips as if he was starved of them, as if he was glad he finally had me again. He tugged my brown curls gently, and I ran my fingers through his hair too, soaking in the warm feeling in my chest. "I bet even the gods would marvel at your beauty." He mumbled to me, a smile tugging on his soft lips.
    My cheeks reddened and I let out a soft chuckle. "That is a stretch, my Muse." We continued to hold each other close, losing track of time. Now that there was no killer, we could embrace and stay with each other for as long as possible. Once we parted, he grinned slyly and took my hand, dragging me towards his chambers. In it, we embraced some more, and revealed ourselves in each other's presence. He was the only person in the world I felt like I could rely on, and I knew he felt the same way.

    There was a feast, the next day. It was bustling, musicians playing music as we drank and ate. Phoebe was by Nektarios' side, for everyone, even the prophet and me and the other workers who resided here were able to go. I sat on the left of Nektarios, looking curiously at the prophet, my loving prince's new friend. She was quite beautiful, and quite powerful as well. Many men looked at her in awe, though she seemed to either not care, or not notice. Selene sat by me as well, eating an apple, not entirely hungry. I was not hungry myself, barely touching my food, only taking tiny sips of the bitter yet refreshing wine. Nektarios on the other hand was quite the opposite, eating everything he found, smearing it on his face, and drinking the wine quite often. Everytime something got on his face, I felt the urge to brush it off with my fingers, despite the audience. Everytime his bright blue eyes and my dark brown ones met, it felt like we were the only people in the room; just me and the one I loved.
    Suddenly, his father came into the room, giving Nektarios a stern look. We looked at each other in panic, and I watched, my stomach clenched as he walked away, wondering what might have happened to make his father this angered.
    I eat quietly as everyone talks, too nervous to focus on what Selene is saying. He had been gone for a while now. Did his father find out about us? If he did, what was in store for me?
I dreaded the thought of it.
    He came out many minutes later, expression sullen, his shoulders clenched by his fathers hands. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes, and that was when I realized we were even more in trouble then I had realized.

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