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I did not see Calliope after that. I knew she was most likely alright though, for she was a goddess.
When Nektarios woke up, he was disoriented and barely able to speak. He went almost immediately back to sleep. I was sad about it, but I understood, continuing to stay with him.
Alas, after a while, I finally saw him wake up fully. "Nektarios!" I called out his name, my heart pounding in my chest.
His eyes widened, and became brighter as soon as he saw me. He did not say anything, hugging me tightly as he cried in my arms. I did not say anything back to him, I was just glad he was going to be alright.
Months passed before he fully recovered. As soon as he did, we decided, despite the prophecy, we would head back to the palace, so he could be taken care of more properly. I did not plan on telling him that I would head back almost immediately after, scared that he would force me not to. I did not want to put him, and his kingdom in any more danger.

"Where are you going?" Nektarios asked me as I started to turn back.
"Back to Thebes." I informed him. I secretly wished I did not tell him, but I knew that if I lied or hid something from him, it would hurt his spirit and hope even more. 
His eyes widened, and he ran towards me, looking strikingly handsome as he clutched my wrist, forcing me to turn to him. "I cannot be without you, Fotis. I belong with you, nothing shall ever change that."
Tears pooled at the corners of my dark eyes, and I wiped them away, turning to face him again. "Remember the prophecy? It is dangerous for me to be here. You will be safer without me. I will send letters, I promise."
He shook his head. "Do not abandon me...please." His voice shook with a desperate tone, and he looked close to bawling.
"I would never abandon you." I whispered, pressing my forehead against his own. "I am simply keeping you safe." My eyes opened, and I suddenly felt warm as he held me close, my eyelashes brushing softly against his cheek, which was salty and wet from the tears he had shed. Petals fell from the trees around us, wind blowing in our hair. "Write me back, alright?"
He nodded, trying not to cry again. "I will. I will send you letters, even when I grow old. I will never forget you, even when I become stronger. I will send you letters, and whisper your name, even if I know you probably will not reply...even if you pass before me, I will never forget you."
I walked away.
"I love you." He had said to me, before I left.
I did not say anything back, did not even look back.
I simply left.

Years have passed since then. I was now nineteen, even with my clean shaven face, and boyish features. I worked as a musician, playing songs and telling stories. It reminded me of Nektarios, which is why I chose to do so in the first place. I missed him. There was an aching feeling in my chest, as if I was missing something. I had no idea what he was doing at the moment, not sure if he was king now, or married.
The thought pained me, and I attempted to bury my memories of the boy I had loved for so long.
I did not keep my promise. I sent letters at first, and he would respond, but I slowly forgot.
He never did, though.
He sent letters, and I would read them and not respond, guilt building up in my stomach. He never told me about his life. He just would write about how much he missed me, and about how he wished I would send him a letter back.
The feeling haunted me, and I knew I had done something wrong. If I was him, I would never forgive myself. I was a horrible lover to him.
I left him, and did not do anything to keep in contact with him.
I did not even think about Selene, what she was doing, either. I barely talked to anyone, uncaring about it all.
I wondered if Nektarios improved his fighting skills, and if they had finally caught the killer that has been tormenting the palace. If they did, maybe I would be allowed to come back to him, but if they did not, I would have to stay here to protect Nektarios along with his future kingdom-
and Myself.

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