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The night was oddly cold and silent, my sheets warm against my frigid skin. I had to see him, to ask about what had happened. I cared too much about him- and too much about us to allow him to hold this all in. I opened my eyes, slipping my pale sandals on before heading outside. If something was bothering him that badly, I knew where he would be.

    Waves were soft, and gentle as the breeze whipped my short hair around. I saw him, the beautiful man I had loved. He wasn't a prince, or a demigod in my eyes. He was just a man. A perfect, beautiful man with eyes that I could trace in my memories. "Nektarios." I whispered. He whipped around, his eyes widening. He got up, his feet bare and tunic against grains of sand. He ran towards me, hugging me quickly and tightly, head buried in my chest.
    "He knows..." Nektarios mumbled weakly, fighting back tears. "I don't want to stay here, I don't want you to stay here!" He took a deep breath, arms shaking. "I do not want something bad to happen to you, I would never forgive myself otherwise."
    My cheeks flushed, eyebrows furrowed. I was concerned for the prince, and wanted to just hold him in my arms. "It's okay...I will speak to him, even if he does not allow me."
    "I talked to my mother about the whole situation...she was off, so I think she told my father. I just wish she would have asked me for permission first. Even if she is a goddess, I am her son."
    I nodded in understanding, holding his hand and pulling him closer yet again. He was the best person I had ever met, and would ever meet.
    "I am scared that you will be hurt." Nektarios whispered to me under his breath. "My father is more angry than I had ever seen him. He called me a disgrace, a disloyal son, a huge embarrassment to our kingdom."
    My eyebrows furrowed in anger.  I felt protective of Nektarios, hearing the way his father was being cruel to him. I was not going to leave, I wanted to find another way to help him and allow us to be together without getting hurt. "You cannot leave, and I will stay if that is the way to keep you safe, even if I am at risk myself. Your dad should not have this much control over you and me. You are the heir, you can change things once you become king. I do not care what will happen to me in order to make this work."
    Nektarios hugged me tightly, calling out my name in muffled sobs. His eyes stung and his eyes were red and puffy. "You have changed since you left..." He mumbled, his voice raspy. "But your feelings for me at least haven't changed."
I felt the same exact way about him.
    We sit down, our toes ticking the cold water, wind in our faces, sea salt filling our nose's. It was quiet, but peaceful. Nektarios and I still looked sad, but we held hands and I listened as he softly hummed a tune. It was one he had hummed a while ago, but it was still buried in my memories, as was every other memory I had shared with him. I held him close, tracing the soft outlines of his back against his tunic, brushing his hair with my fingers. The more time that had passed, the more our bodies entwined. Eventually I was so wrapped up in this moment that I did not realize my eyes were beginning to get heavy. I fell asleep quickly afterwards.

I woke up the next morning in Nektarios's bed. I heard someone breathing beside me, which I presumed was him. I did not remember being taken here, so I presumed it was his doing. He was silent and still, shoulder relaxed, his eyelashes fluttering. "Good Morning..." He murmured, drowsy from sleep. His eyes opened fully and he gave me a gentle smile.
I smiled back, caressing his cheek. "Did you take me here?" I had asked the question, even though I already knew the answer.
He nodded, stretching his wiry limbs, his hair falling in front of his face. "You should go back to your own quarters, that is where you need to go. My father cannot find you in here, who knows what will happen if he does." Nektarios's voice was quiet and gentle, the demigod pulling me with himself out of the bed.
I nodded in agreement, kissing his forehead fervently. We embraced tightly, the warmth of both of our skins brushing against each other. I parted and left the room slowly, making sure to be as quiet as possible, as to avoid others.
Someone, on the other hand, was not. It was Phoebe, looking at me curiously. "Fotis?" She whispered. "What are you doing in Prince Nektarios's bedroom?"
It felt as if my lungs closed off, refusing to give me air. I did not reply, as silent as ever. My face was as white as sea foam, and my heartbeat increased rapidly. Eventually, I opened my mouth, and words came out; "I was invited in." I said. Technically, it was true.
She looked curiously at me. "Really? I was just going to see him, since I am leaving soon and wanted to say my goodbyes before this morning, since I am leaving early." She explained calmly. Maybe I am somewhat part of a prophecy, who knows why she had a curious glint in her eyes as she looked at me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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