new beginnings

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A flash of green light.


Ron's and Hermione's faces appeared, sneering.

"You think we did it because of you, don't you?


It was just for your money and fame."

"You are a nobody now, Hera Potter."

Hera had expected the place of dead souls to be a dark, gloomy underworld, yet when she once again opened her eyes, she was sitting in a comfortable armchair, facing the fire. She was not in the "underworld".


Hera turned her head quickly, in surprise. A man, in his late 20s, appeared in her eyesight, black-haired and black-eyed with a share gleam in his eyes. 

"Who are you? And where am I?"

"I," he declared, "Am whom you call Death."

Hera rolled her beautiful green eyes and scoffed, "Yeah, sure."

Unfazed, he declared once again, "And you are my mistress, as you have collected all of the deadly hallows."

"The ring, that gives life, the wand that brings death, the cloak that is the in-between, and the blood of necromancers that give you the right to hold all three."

"Why is there 4? I thought there were only three" asked Hera, "Also, I would like to know, what I am doing here."

The man lowered himself into another armchair and snapped his fingers. A bowl of biscuits appeared, and he offered some to Hera. She politely declined them.

"Well, in your past life, you were bullied, used, and killed," Death said bluntly, carelessly biting into a biscuit.

"Don't remind me, please."

"I hope you have learned your lesson by now."

"Of course I have," Hera snapped, "If I could do it again, I would never let that repeat."

"That's exactly what I'm offering, as the Mistress of Death, you have three options. One, you die. Two, you come with me and become the Goddess of Death. Or three, you go back in time and redo your life."

"Which option will you pick?"

"I'll redo my life," said Hera, determined.

"Great," said Death, he snapped his long, thin fingers and the 3 hallows appeared.

"Here's the three hallows, they are yours to take through your journey. Keep in mind that because you have Necromancer blood in you. That will make your life a bit complicated, just a friendly warning, " Said Death, "If you need anything, you can also summon me."

He snapped his fingers once again, and Hera Potter was reborn.


"Up! Get up! Now!"

The first thing that greeted her was Aunt Petunia's shrill, high voice. Hera clapped a hand to her ears, jerking awake, he head hitting the top of the cupboard. Oh yes, her cupboard. 

"I'm awake."

Hera rubbed her eyes and her aunt rapped on the door again. "Up!" she screeched. Hera heard her walking towards the kitchen and then the sound of the frying pan being put on the cooker.

It was Dudley's birthday, wasn't it?

The day she found out she was a Parselmouth. 

Oh Yeah.

Hera pulled on her socks, after using magic to kill the spiders off and got dressed. When she was dressed she went down the hall into the kitchen. The table was almost hidden beneath all Dudley's birthday presents. Wish she got that many for birthdays.

Before entering the kitchen, however, she examined her face on the glass.

She was thin and pale, from all the undernourishment from the Dursleys. Her dark hair was long and tangled but her eyes were still the same eye-catching, bright sea foam green.

Uncle Vernon entered the kitchen as she was turning over the bacon. "Comb your hair!" he barked, by way of a morning greeting.  

He glared at her tangled hair. 

Hera was frying eggs by the time Dudley arrived in the kitchen with his mother. 

She almost cringed at how- um, pig-like Dudley looked. 

Dudley, meanwhile, was counting his presents. 

His face fell. "Thirty-six," he said, looking up at his mother and father.

"That'stwo less than last year."

"Darling, you haven't counted Auntie Marge's present, see, it's here under this big one from Mummy and Daddy."

"All right, thirty-seven then," said Dudley, going red in the face.

This guy was more spoiled than that bleached ferret.

She had to resist the urge to say "36 my arse"

 'And we'll buy you another two presents while we're out today. How's that, Popkin? Two more presents. Is that all right?" 

Dudley thought for a moment. It looked like hard work. Finally, he said slowly, "So I'll have thirty ... thirty ..."

"Thirty-nine, sweetums," said Aunt Petunia.


Dudley sat down heavily and grabbed the nearest parcel. 

"All right then."

 Uncle Vernon chuckled. "Little tyke wants his money's worth, just like his father. Attaboy, Dudley!" He ruffled Dudley's hair.

How are they not broke yet? 

At that moment the telephone rang and Aunt Petunia went to answer it while Harry and Uncle Vernon watched Dudley unwrap the racing bike, a cine camera, a remote-controlled airplane, sixteen new computer games, and a video recorder. He was ripping the paper off a gold wristwatch when Aunt Petunia came back from the telephone, looking both angry and worried.

"Bad news, Vernon," she said. "Mrs Figg's broken her leg. She can't take him." She jerked her head in Harry's direction.

"Now what?' said Aunt Petunia, looking furiously at Hera as though she'd planned this.

 "We could phone Marge," Uncle Vernon suggested. 

"Don't be silly, Vernon, she hates the girl."

 'What about what's her name, your friend – Yvonne?'

 "On holiday in Majorca," snapped Aunt Petunia. 

"Just leave me here" Hera suggested, she needed time to figure out her plan.

 Aunt Petunia looked as though she'd just swallowed a lemon. "And come back and find the house in ruins?" she snarled.

I'll probably burn it though, Hera thought. 

She ended up going with them to the zoo after all. 

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