of goblins and 12 am

747 41 0

It was midnight when Hera reached Gringotts. Gringotts was a snowy-white building that towered overthe other little shops. Standing beside its burnished bronze doors,wearing a uniform of scarlet and gold, were goblins. 

She was glad there was no closing time. 

Enter, stranger, but take heed 

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not earn, 

Must pay most dearly in their turn,

 So if you seek beneath our floors 

A treasure that was never yours, 

Thief, you have been warned, beware

 Of finding more than treasure there.

A pair of goblins bowed her through the silver doors and theywere in a vast marble hall. About a hundred more goblins weresitting on high stools behind a long counter, scribbling in largeledgers, weighing coins on brass scales, and examining precious stonesthrough eyeglasses. There were too many doors to count leadingoff the hall, and yet more goblins were showing people in and outof these. Hera made for the counter.

"Hello," said Hera to a free goblin who was dozing off a bit-she couldn't blame him, she, herself was rather sleepy.

"I've just lost my vault key, is there a way to prove my identity?" asked Hera calmly.

"Blood test," the goblin muttered. He yawned, "Follow me."

He led her to a room and handed her off to another goblin.

"Hello, Ms..."

"Hera Potter."

The goblin had a look of skepticism on his face but told her the instructions.

"9 drops of blood onto the parchment," he drawled, "Price is 3 gallons from your vault if you have one."

Hera complied.

Full name: Hera Euphemia Potter

Birth parents: Lily J. Potter nee Evans, James C. Potter

Bloodline(s): Potter, Peverell, Evocator, Black(In waiting)

Vault(s): 687, 830(Potter Family Vault), 523(Peverall), Evocator (999)

Heir/lady ships for claim:

Potter (Heir)

Peverell (Heir)

Evocator (Lady)

Evocator? What?

The goblin was jolted awake from the information on the parchment. 

"Your heiress rings," He muttered and presented them. Hera slipped them onto her fingers and nodded. 

"How will I access my vaults?"

"There are 3 ways, one is by key, one is by ring, and one is by blood," the goblin explained.

"I would like to invalidate all keys and would like to see my vault information." Hera decided to investigate Evocator later.

The goblin nodded and retrieved a parchment. 


Vault 687-

7,000 galleons, 8,000 sickles, 578 knuts

Vault 830 (Family vault)

480,000 galleons, 310,000 sickels, 500 knuts

Vault 612 - Emergency vault -

3000 galleons


Godric's Hallow

Potter Manor

Seaside Estate (France)

Villa (France)

Villa (England)


523 (Family Vault)-

5000 galleons

Evocator -

~2,000,000 galleons

Jewels and ancient relics

Priceless materials and books


Evocator Manor

"What is Evocator?" asked Hera.

"Anyone will Necromancer Blood is part of Evocator," the goblin said, "Would you like to visit your vaults?"

Hera nodded.

The goblin held the door open for her. They were in a narrow stone passageway lit with flaming torches. It sloped steeply downwards andthere were little railway tracks on the floor. The goblin whistledand a small cart came hurtling up the tracks towards them. Theyclimbed in. At first, they just hurtled through a maze of twisting passages. 

The rattling cart seemed to know itsown way.  Hera's eyes stung as the cold air rushed past them. Once, he thought he saw a burst of fire at the endof a passage and twisted around to see if it was a dragon, but too late– they plunged even deeper, passing an underground lake wherehuge stalactites and stalagmites grew from the ceiling and floor. 

Hera withdrew a ton of money from her vaults; she bought a weightless and infinite money bag from the goblin.

From the Peverall Vault, she withdrew the cloak, the wand, and the stone as Death had promised that this time they would be hers. 

The vault that surprised her was Evocator.

There were heaps of gold, diamonds, rubies, and more. 

Peals, Aquamarine, you name it. 

She couldn't help but pick up a few pieces of jewelry to keep. 


Hera jumped into the vault, she looked around cautiously to see a painting of a woman with pink hair and green eyes. 

"I'm Persephone," the painting said, "Name after the goddess of Death."

"I'm Hera," Hera slowly said.

"Welcome to Evocator, young necromancer," Persephone said, "We are proud of our heritage. Morgana herself was an Evocator."

"Some of the jewelry is enchanted," Persephone explained, "The one you are holding right now is to protect against mind invaders."

"Be careful what you touch, the description is always under the jewelry."

Hera nodded.

She carefully picked out a few with defensive charms on them and headed over to the books.

"Any books you would recommend."

"Beginner's guide to Necromancy is a must," Persephone said. 

It was 1 am when she stepped out of Gringotts into the chilling night. She decided to head over the the Leaky Couldren for a room. 

The next morning, Hera decided that she needed new clothes.

Since she had money, might as well spoil herself.

It was already 11 am when she woke up so she just ate a brunch and headed out. 

She would definitely enjoy herself in this life. 

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