~Modern Cinderella: Chapter 2~

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The next chapter is up! Hope you guys enjoy it =)

- XyouXmeX

Chapter 2

The time was calling me to get up to get ready for the school I was going to teach in soon but the cold surrounding was making me hide under the warm covers on my bed. 

''Emily, you're going to be late for the first day if you don't get up now.'' I heard Joan called from her bed. She was damn lucky that she was sixteen and didn't need to get a job just yet. I slipped out of my bed and onto the cold floor which sent chills through my spine.

I had a quick shower and changed into my creamy white blouse and skirt and combed my honey blond hair down. I looked like a teenager who was playing dress up in her mother's clothes. I sighed and prepared Lady Cyan and the other's breakfast before I left.

''Why in a rush today, Emily?'' Lady Cyan asked as I passed her at the doorway. 

''Got a new work. Teacher.'' I said to her.

''Did you prepare breakfast?'' 

''Yes, Lady Cyan.'' I said and rushed to my car. 

As I reached the school's gate, I could see that the school was packed with students. Girls wearing inappopriate clothes which included too-short-for-school skirts or too much make-up. Guys's clothes were okay but their attitude was terrible. 

I made my way to Aunty Alice's office and took my teaching schedule. It turns out that i was a replacement until a proper teacher would love the replace...the worst class in Sunway High. I shivered at the thought of those students being hard to control since I was only seventeen.

I entered the class and guess what? The class was in riot mode. Guys were throwing crumpled up test papers and yelling while jumping on the desk. The whiteboard was filled with scribles and the girls were making out with the guys. Wow. So much for the awesome teaching job I dreamed about last night.

''Ehem.'' i cleared my throat and the whole class's attention turned towards me. 

''I'll be your replacement teacher until a proper teacher comes in. Get back to your desks. Now.'' I made a stern voice as I said to them. 

The class immediately calmed down and returned to their seats. But there was one guy who didn't. And aunty Alice did warn me about him. The naugtiest guy in school and the school that every girl in this school adored. 

''Blake McGinty. Sit down.'' I said and he laughed.

''You know what, miss? You are like our age so why should we listen to you?'' his friends laughed and cheered at the back.

''because, blake, you're my student.'' he made his way to me. 

''Okay, Emily. whatever you say.'' he returned to his seat with a wink. 

That boy was trouble..or...something else...

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