~Modern Cinderella: Chapter 4~

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Hey, sorry the first few previous chapters are so short. I'll try to make it longer. How does that sounds? =)

- XyouXmeX

Chapter 4

''You want a ride?'' Blake stood there asking. 

''No thanks. I can drive. Plus, why not you stay at my place. I can't leave my family.'' I said to him as I walked into my office to gather my stuff before going home and also the assignments. 

''Fine by me. Can you drive me to my apartment?'' he asked looking over at the pictures of my siblings and me which I displayed on my office desk. It had the picture when I was hugging my mom. Another was me hugging my sister and brother. 

''Yeah sure and what are you looking at?'' I stared at him. 

''This your brother and sister?'' he asked staring at the pictures.

''yeah why?'' I was expecting him to tease around but he didn't. 

''My brother died last month. My sister went to jail because she was caught being a prostitute. Some family I have there.'' he said and waited outside of the office. I felt bad for Blake. I didn't know he had such a horrible family background.

I bended down to carry the box filled with my materials but instead I bumped into a guy and my things totally fell over. I looked up to see who I bumped into and it was a cute guy. Not my type but I had to admit he was cute.

''hey, errm...sorry. I got that.'' he said and started packing my stuff up. ''Here.'' he gave me my box. ''Sorry about that, Emily. I'm Sam McGInty. Erm...Blake's stepbrother? I'm sure you heard of him? Since you're teaching him?'' 

''Yes, I have. He is somehow one of my 'favorite' students.'' I said sarcasticly. ''Anyways, nice to meet you. I have to go now. See you around.'' I smiled and walked out of my office.

There, Blake was sitting on the bench listening to his music on his ipod. Eyes closed and his hair messy but in a cute way. My heart stopped for the second time. Oh no. I fell for my student! I mentally slapped myself and walked to him.

''Blake! Come on. Let's go.'' I said and slightly kicked his legs and walked towards my car. 

''I'll carry that.'' Blake said and carried my stuff to the car. I unlocked the doors of the cars and he placed my stuff at the back seat as he climbed into the front seat. 

''Hey Emily, is that you?'' he pointed at a picture of me and my mom when I was little. 

''Yes. That's the picture that I took with my mom when I was seven. My dad left us when I was just well...young.'' I didn't know why I was telling him all that but maybe I was bored so I told him. He nodded and leaned back. ''You look really cute back then.'' he said as he closed his eyes. 

We reached Blake's apartment which was a place where lots of drug addicts were at. I used to live here but then we moved away because my sister was almost kidnap by one of those drug addicts. We got out of the car and entered using the back door since according to Blake, the front door was jammed. 

''Hey little girl. What are you doing here?'' I felt somewhere touched my shoulder and i turned around. It was a guy and obviously, he was high.

''Hey! Don't touch my teacher like that!'' Blake saw me and slapped the guy's hand away and pulled me along. Phew. 

''Thanks Blake.'' I straightened my clothes and tried to look my 'teacher look' at Blake.

''No problem, Emily.'' he smiled. Was I wrong about this boy? 'Cause when he was alone around me, he was a gentleman. But when he was around other people, he was some player that I can't stand not scolding.

''Hey, Blake, why are you different around me when you're alone with me and when you're in a crowd?'' I asked him when we were packing his stuff in his room. His room was all blue! My favorite color.

''That's because you're not a slut like those other girls in Sunway High. You're different from them. And so I have to treat you like a lady. Those teasing in your point of view, was actually sincere compliments. Honestly, I hate acting like a total player.'' he said as he zipped his bag.

''So like..you're not a player?'' I asked him kind of shock after the whole revelation. 

''No. Well, maybe other girls think I am, but honestly, I am not. I saw you talking to Sam. He's the player. Don't go near him.'' he said and carried his bags to the car. 

We got to my house and Lady Cyan freaked when she saw Blake. ''Emily Knight! How could you bring a boy home when you're just seventeen?!'' she screamed and Blake went silent.

''Aunty Alice's orders.'' as soon as I said Aunty Alice's name, she grew quiet and accepted Blake into the house. Truthfully, Lady Cyan was scared of Aunty Alice. One of the reason was because Hazel and Gretchen were in the same school and Aunty was the principal.

I led Blake to a vacant room which was in our(me and Blake)'s favorite color. Blue! He threw himself on the bed and looked around the room. ''Sure is cosy here. I don't mind staying here.'' he said. 

Hazel and Gretchen's head suddenly popped in and I could tell from their eyes, they were interested in Blake. ''Blake, meet my stepsisters, Hazel and Gretchen. This is my student, Blake. He'll be staying with us for a while under Aunty Alice's orders.'' 

''Nice to meet you, Blake!'' Hazel came in and instantly, I noticed she wore her white mini shorts which she would only wear when she saw a guy she was interested in. 

I was sure Blake noticed that too since he raised an eyebrow at me and then look back at Hazel. ''Nice to meet you, Hazel.'' he smiled. Hazel instantly frowned. Uh-oh. Blake forgot to turn back into all player Blake.

Obviously, that made Hazel wanted him more.

''Hee hee! Well, if you need me or Gretchen since we're older than Emily, we'll be at our rooms.'' she said and went skipping off. 

''Haha, your sisters are total...'' he didn't finish his sentence. He didn't need to. I knew exactly what he was going to say. Since he had been through those kinds of girls since he started Sunway High. Sluts.

''I know. You have to get use to them sneaking for your undies then if you wanna live here.'' I laughed as i helped him unpack his things.

''I think I'll get use to it.''

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