are we live....?

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I got this idea from another fanfic one shot I read but can't for the life of me remember the name of or find for some reason but if you see this and it seems familiar thank u for the inspo...

She scrolled through tiktok contemplating this whole thing. Selena had mentioned doing a bit more on social since her fans miss her so much when she's taking a break from working. Travis had been begging her for a while to make videos and go live together since their relationship has progressed a bit more. She smiles thinking about Travis's words

"It will break the internet baby"

She set up the camera and ring light in the kitchen planning to go live while she was baking and getting lunch ready for when Travis comes home from practice. With a last check at her reflection in the camera she nodded. Shorts and an oversized t-shirt from Trav's closet, messy bun and no makeup is her look for the day.

"And......are we live....?

Concisering she had announced her plans to go live on X and Instagram she wasn't surprised when the viewers started to go up like crazy, the comments going crazy with questions and speculation about ehy she's decided to go live out of the blue. Reputation TV being the main subject of discussion instantly. She was leaning on the kitchen counter reading through most of them and laughing out loud when tons of snake emojis started coming through

"Whoah guys.... this isn't an announcement or anything it's just me missing you guys and wanting to hang out"

She stood up straight and went about mixing her chocolate chip cookie dough trying to sneak a peak at the comments every now and again while Bryan Adams blared in the background. She hummed and swayed her hips as she went about her multi tasking. As she put her cookies in the oven she started making lasagne. As much as she loved touring and missed it terribly she loved the domesticity of taking care of her boyfriend. She loved his reactions when he came home to an aroma of yummy smells. He'd admitted to living off junk food before they started dating never having someone cook for him since moving out of his mothers house.

She heard the front door open and close and the familiar sound of a bag being dropped on the floor. She had texted him her plans to go live on tiktok and he was instantly curious how comfortable she wanted them to be and her response was simply just 'let's be ourselves'

He peeked his head in the kitchen and smiled brightly at her little set up, she returned his smile and blew him a kiss as he motioned he was going to take a shower.

Her fans were sharp as they come because the smallest gesture had them going crazy in the comment section

Oh my God is that Travis??

OMG she blew him a kiss I'M GONNA CRY!

Travis we need some screen time!!

She chuckled to herself and started taking the cookies out of the oven followed by the lasagne leaving her fans to their own devices for a while as she started making Travis a cup of coffee hearing him shuffle around upstairs an indication that he'll be coming down in a minute

She smiled as she heard him coming down, he paused out of view of the camera and gave her a hesitant smile but just looked at him with a big smile and nodded her approval holding out his cup of coffee. He took a breath and stepped up to her taking the cup and kissing her cheek then a peck on her lips. Taylor swears she could hear the people watching from her little camera screaming and freaking out at the display. Travis watched her clean up for a while before leaning on the counter and giving the camera a big goofy smile

"Hello tiktok how we doin?"

Taylor smiled over her shoulder at him taking over her live, he was a natural in front of the camera and very easy going, he definitely shared her love for unapologeticly being yourself no matter where you were or you you were with. She heard him laugh as she put the final dish away and made her way to the camera reading the comments coming in

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