Mrs. Swift Part 2

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"Some of English literature’s most distinguished practitioners in the 20th century—from Joseph Conrad at its beginning to V.S. Naipaul and Tom Stoppard at its end—were born outside the British fact-"

She paused when she heard whispers behind her and rolled her eyes when she turned from her black board to find it being none other Jackson Kelce and a few of his football friends

"Mr. Kelce...."

"Yes ma'am"

"Care to share with the rest of the class?"

"No ma'am"

She raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Well that seems very unlike you"

He chuckled, ".....well ma'am last time I shared with the class it wasn't received very well so I'd rather keep my "inappropriate" thoughts between me and my friends"

She squinted her eyes at him suspiciously, ".....well unless you were discussing the lesson I'd prefer you stay quiet and pay attention in my class"

"Noted..... ma'am"

She slowly turned back around and continued drawing her timeline of historical events as she spoke when she heard someone loudly clear their throat behind her. She paused once again, forced a smile and turned around again to find to her surprise one of Jackson's friends with their hand up

"Yes....Thomas was it?"

"Yes ma'am.....I was just wondering if I could ask you something from my textbook over here I'm a bit confused"

Her face lit up at the prospect of helping someone and she hurried to his side leaning over his shoulder to look at what he was pointing out. Before he could point it out to her she felt something touch her ass and she jumped to find a certain class clown hunched over and she realised she had felt his head against her ass

"Oh I'm terribly sorry ma'am I dropped my pencil....", he reached over and picked up the object waving it in the air

"Do you actually have a question?"

She glared back at Thomas who was smiling at her with a slight shrug


"Yeah that's what I about this whole damn section over here start making their way to the principal's office-"

"Ooohhhh Coach will not be happy abo-"

"I don't give a shit what your coach thinks I said what I said now ALL OF YOU GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM"

Her tone of voice startled the boys and they rushed to pack their things once again Jackson lagged behind with a uncharacteristic look on his face as he slowly approached her but she held up her hand

"I don't want to hear a single snide comment out of you....GET....OUT"

He looked more startled as he shouldered his bag and left the room in quick strides


She was sat at her classroom desk with her head in her hands trying to swallow down the lump in her throat when her door was thrown open

"What is it gonna take for you to stop being a pain in my ass huh?....I thought we had an agreement here"

She looked up and stood so fast her chair fell over, "Agreement!?.... you barged into my classroom like a caveman and grunted some demands, took my student that I was punishing and shooed him out without so much as a call that a fucking agreement?"

He was a bit taken aback by her out outburst after yesterday's calm demeanor she displayed so effortlessly

"Yeah go ahead and call me crazy because I can scream as loud and demanding as any know what coach? Take your team....take this classroom for all I care....I didn't sign up for this humiliation...I wanted to teach kids about English literature not fight with a bunch of egotistical jocks and their thick headed coach"

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