Mrs. Swift Part 3

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"What do you want me to do?"

"Drop this conversation"

"Trav....come on man-"

"Pat you know I didn't even like my own damn prom and now you want me to chaperone for a bunch of hormonal teenagers"

"Dude.... it's my brother's wedding I can't miss it to chaperone a prom....if I remember correctly the reason I had to agree to it in the first place is because you refused to do it"

He sighed throwing his hands over his eyes with an exasperated groan, "Fine...but you owe me big time"

"Promise man thank you"

Patrick ran around the desk and grabbed his head giving him a bug fat kiss on the forehead which made them both laugh


That was the start of his week now he was standing in a room full of teenagers trying to act like he actually gave a fuck and avoiding small talk with teachers left and right. He was stuck in a particularly boring conversation with the gym teacher and the school nurse when he caught sight of something out of the corner of his eye

" she flexed and a massive amount of puss started oozing out-"

"Would you excuse me please?"

He didn't wait for any response as he tried working his way through grinding teenagers, when he reached the other end of the gymnasium he was disappointed when he'd lost sight of her

"Looking for someone?"

He whipped around and couldn't help the wide grin as his eyes wandered over her body

"Eyes up here...."

He felt his cheeks burn as he was caught staring and quickly shifted his eyes up to meet hers

"You look.....good-..... beautiful"

She smiled shyly and diverted her eyes to look over at the dancing seniors

"You ever been to one of these?"

He glanced back at the crowd and nodded when she looked back at him


"..... unfortunately?"

"I.... wasn't really into this romantic shit as a teenager...."

She snorted out a laugh, "....and you are now?"

"Is that so hard to believe?"


"Oh not that shit again....spit it out"

She shrugged, " don't seem like the cuddle on the couch, valentines shopping, down on one knee 'marry me' kind of dude..."

"You wound me Mrs. Swift....."

"Well I apologise but it's the truth.....and I speak the truth"

He smiled too captivated by her eyes to look anywhere else as he mustered up the courage to bring up their argument from the other day. They had avoided each other since that day and now seemed like the best time to adress it

"...... actually I have some apologising to do"

She didn't say anything and took a tentative sip of her juice as her eyes drifted back to the gymnasium forcing him to do the same

"....I was out of line and I feel like all I do is apologise and then act a fool over and over again and I'm truly sorry for giving you the wrong impression of myself....."

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