Mrs. Swift Part 1

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"......Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, King Lear.....some of the greatest works in the English language and they all have one thing in common.....does anyone know what that is?"

A few hands shot up in the air all from the regular familiar faces. Emma who was practically jumping in her chair trying to get her attention was the definition of a teacher's pet but she couldn't find herself getting annoyed by the girl's constant enthusiasm even if it was the reason the young girl didn't have many friends apart from the teaching staff

Shelly. She was the popular girl in school and seemingly the perfect young woman. Straight A student, captain of the cheer squad, rich parents. She was the girl every other girl longed to be

Leanord. Nerd was an understatement. Big black glasses, slicked back hair, checkers shirt tucked into his pants

There was always that small handful of students you always get to know first because of how desperate they were for good grades. She's been at this school for two weeks and she knew a few names by heart. Then of course there was the class clown

"Mr. Kelce....."

The young man's smile grew impossibly large as he was acknowledged, the fact that he barely made much effort to put his hand up past his shoulder combined with his wicked smile told her all she needed to know about his intentions

"....well Miss Swift..... I'd say they were all written by a player called William Shakespeare"

Her eyebrows shot up in surprise, "Well done Mr. can anyone-"

"My turn?"

She froze mid turn and looked back at him, "Sorry?"

He sat back in his chair and bit his bottom lip, "Is it my turn to ask a question now?"

She gave a breathy chuckle, "That's not how this works"

He shrugged sitting up straight and giving her his undivided attention

" do we learn otherwise?"

The whole classroom was silent as all eyes and ears were on the exchange between student and teacher, some of his buddies waiting in anticipation of having a good laugh

"Very well..... what's your question?"

"......are you single?"

Her eyes grew wide as the boys in the back started laughing and whispering amongst each other

"I beg your pardon"

"Do. You. Have. A. Boyfriend?"

"..... that's neither your business nor is it a proper question for your teacher Mr. Kelce"

She was about to turn back to her board when his next words made her freeze again

"Well excuse me ma'am but we've never had a teacher this hot before"

She was about to respond when the bell interrupted her so she cleared her throat and forced a smile

"Alright everyone please feel free to do some research on William Shakespear as we prepare to go into his work more come Friday....thank you your are all dismissed"

As the students started to file out she noticed one in particular taking his sweet time to pack his things before getting up and making sure he was the last one out

"Mr. Kelce...."

He turned around with that same cheeky smile on his face


"What happened earlier was extremely inappropriate....I have to send you to the principals office"

He scoffed, "......for what exactly? Stating the obvious? Your hot as fuck.......own it"

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