Mrs. Swift Part 5.

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The process of getting rid of clothes was a bit of a blur to him but when he stood up and focused on her near naked form only in a small black thong splayed out on the bed in front of him he was a lost cause. He's never seen anything as ethereal as the being before him

"God.... you're so fucking beautiful"

She was laying on her back propped on her elbows with legs pressed together one of which was also propped up, she was staring at him with lust filled eyes

"Will you stop staring and get to it already?"

He didn't need to be asked twice as he stripped his underwear and threw it over his shoulder with a smirk. She bit her lip looking down at him then up mirroring his smirk. She lifted her hips a clear invitation for him and he took it walking to her and slowly sliding her underwear down her mile long legs

"These....", once he had thrown her underwear somewhere across the room he started kissing her ankles taking his time with each one

"Travis.....", her voice was barely audible as she shivered in anticipation

He made his way up her legs making sure to take his time to worship every inch of her skin. When he reached her soaked center he groaned in appreciation before diving in sucking and licking until she was a quivering mess beneath him. When she gripped at his head he knew she was close and one firm suck on her clit had her screaming and bucking against his mouth. She was gasping for air as she came down from her high and he licked a long stripe all the way up her body till he reached her mouth. He pecked her lips and waited for her to open her eyes, when she did he smiled at her satisfied sigh

"That. Was. Amazing"

"Yeah?....not too rusty?"

He laid down beside her and casually danced his fingertips along her abdomen

"Rusty? Don't give me that shit"

She turned her body to face him, his hand following her movement now gently stroking circles on her hip while she reached out to stroke his chest hair both propped on their elbows to look at each other

"What?..... I'm I look like that much of a man whore to you?"

She giggled pushing softly against his chest, " don't particularly like stroking men's egos are panty melting hot so I find it hard to believe you don't get snatched up every other weekend"

He threw his head back laughing, "....damn.....that might just go to my head"

"Yeah yeah...... aren't you gonna ask me again?"


"The other day you asked me when was the last time I got laid-"

"Yeah that was inappropriate and way out of line..... I'm sorry"

"Well I'll answer anyway.....6 months"

"Thats.....not that long....."

"Oh shut up"

"I'm serious...."

"Well now it's your turn"

"......uh.....ok.....2 years"

"WHAT?!", she sat up straight and he just shrugged

"I just.....I don't know..... I'm not a one night stand kinda guy...."

She smiled at that and straddled him, "So this isn't a one night stand?"

"I sure fucking hope not", he grabbed her hips and moaned when she started grinding against him

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