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Hi y'all hope everyone is doing well. I've been so desperate to write and be creative and I have so many ideas but I've been doubting myself a lot and the amazing comments I have received from some of you have been my saving grace so I'm gonna start a book but just to warn y'all it's gonna take a while to post cause I want to get into the writing process and establish a storyline to where I can guarantee regular updates but in the meanwhile I will try working on this one shot book a bit more regularly as well so....point is I'm still here.....still plan on writing just need to get better at managing my time. Also these amazing fanfic writers have been making my days brighter so I wanna do that for you as well cause we all need a little fiction and imagination in our lives. All my love 😘💕

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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