Part 37

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"I KNEW THIS WOULD BE AWFUL BELLA." Mum screams as she helps me to the sofa. I can't stop sobbing. Bellatrix points her wand in my face and yells, "THAT GIRL APOLOGISED TO POTTER. SHE WANTED HIM TO WIN."
I can't breathe properly, and Bella screams, "CRUCIO."
More pain floods my body for a second or two, until Mum stands in the way. Bellatrix immediately stops the spell, and says, "Cissy... look at her."
"Bellatrix." Mum says, pulling me into a hug, "I doubt she apologised to Potter because she wanted him to live. She apologises when she panics. It's a survival reflex."

I'm rocked back and forth and Bella says, "Then she should know I did it for her own good. It might teach her not to apologise. Anyway, she did a good job to a degree. Let us know it really was Potter we could hear. You know I did it for your own good, don't you Atlas?"
"Yes, aunt Bella." I say through broken sniffles. Mum hugs me and says, "Where is her walking stick Bella?"
Bellatrix says, "The ministry..."
"You lost it?"

A few more death eaters floo powder in and one says, "Narcissa. You, Draco and Atlas are wanted at the ministry tomorrow."
Mum stands up, brushing off her dress.
"For?" She asks, holding her head up. The man looks down and she repeats, "For?"
"Lucius broke the prophecy. He didn't get out in time. They know it is him."
Mum sits down in disbelief and snaps, "Atlas, baby, get to bed. Stay in your room and lock the door. I'll be at the ministry sorting things out now, and then I'll stay in London overnight. You, Bellatrix Lestrange, will die if you even touch a hair on my daughters head."
"She loves me, Cissy," Bellatrix retorts, "You know that, don't you Atlas?"
"Yes Aunt Bella."

It doesn't feel like long before I am stood with Mum and Bella in a dark, dingy London village. I have to use my stick; I don't think the crucio curses agreed with my leg. Mum pulls me back from the road and I groan. She rubs my arm, and we walk up to a small house. Mum knocks on the door, and it creaks open a tiny bit. She pulls back her hood, and we are let in. Severus helps me to a sofa and I grimace. I say, "Hello Severus."
"I'm surprised you are here, Atlas." He groans. I smirk and say, "Why? Can I not walk round with a walking stick? Is there an issue?"
"No," He retorts, "I just thought after Lucius was sentenced to Azkaban, you and Draco might try to keep your head down."
"I'm celebrating."
Mum sits next to me and says, "Severus... I know I ought not to be here. The dark lord has forbade me-"
"If the Dark Lord has forbidden it, you are not to speak- put it down Bella, we must not touch what isn't ours. Besides, I have already made an unforgivable vow for you Narcissa."
I turn to look at aunt Bella, who has a snow globe sort of thing in her hands. She glares, before putting it down and walking round the back of my seat. I adjust myself as Severus says, "As it so happens, I have heard of your situation."
"The Dark Lord told you?" Bella scoffs. I can't smile, but I want to. Severus says, "I have managed to deceive a great wizard. Dumbledore is a great wizard."
I nod a little and say, "Wait, what is our situation?"
"You should be honoured, Cissy," Bella interjects, "So should Draco."
Mum whispers, "He's just a boy."
"I can't change the Dark Lords mind," Severus says, "However, I could help Draco..."
"Swear to it." Bella says, pulling me to my feet. Mum helps me stable myself and I say, "Why does Draco need help? Can someone give me more than thirty words of information?"
"Atlas, baby," Mum says, "Draco has been given a task. Please wait outside with Peter."
I nod and walk outside, to where Peter is waiting. He glares and I scoff, "Don't look at me like that. It's your fault I've got a stupid walking stick."

The next day, I'm dragged to Diagon Alley with Draco and Mum. Mum says I need to get out the house. Draco says he wishes I would stay in the house more often. I walk down an Alley with mum and Draco, keeping my head down. Draco has been given a task, and nobody gives me any information. We reach a shop, and I'm told to hang round outside. I do for a minute or two, until I spot Harry watching from a roof. We make eye contact and I head into the shop.
"Atlas?" Mum says, spinning round. I smile and she says, "Why aren't you waiting outside?"
Fenrir snaps, "Get out. No reason for you to be in here. Draco has a reason, Narcissa has a reason, you need to get lost."
"Alright?" I mumble, "I just thought I was being watched."
"Watched?" Mum's face drops and she pulls me further in the shop. Fenrir pulls the blinds and the shop keeper says, "By who? I'm not having a bratty little girl ruin my business."
"And I'm not having an old ugly man ruin my mood." I snap back. He pulls out his wand and mum says, "We need to grow up. Atlas, be quiet. Draco, do you understand?"
Draco nods and pulls down his sleeve, but not before I see what I was dreading the most. I gasp and he glares at me.
"Does everyone here other than me have one?" I whisper. They all look at each other before nodding. I fall into a seat behind me and mum says, "Baby... you're too young. And with your leg... the Dark Lord doesn't want you to do this."
"But..." I struggle for words, "Draco and I are the same age? I- I'm perfectly capable- I- why? Why does he not want me? Is it just because of my leg?"
"Would you have said yes?" Mum asks. I don't respond and Fenrir says, "She could have it? I just mean, we know about her being a Metamorphmagus-"
"That's why he doesn't want her." Draco snaps. I stop trying to interrupt and shut up. Mum says, "Draco Malfoy? You promised not to say anything. Atlas, darling, The Dark Lord says there are too many unnecessary risks that would come with you being apart of us."
I don't want to be apart of them. I just don't want to be known as being useless.

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