Part 42

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I'm sat next to Bellatrix, so close to the Dark Lord that I can't physically look up without feeling terrified. There is an empty seat, and we wait for Severus to hurry up and join us. Mum holds my hand under the table and squeezes it as Severus walks in.
"Severus," The Dark Lord says, "We thought you weren't coming."
"I apologise, my Lord."
Severus sits opposite me and I sigh.
"Saturday next, at nightfall." Severus says nodding. I know what this plan means. I know what they are trying to figure out. And I know exactly when it is happening.
"I've heard the Potter boy wont be moved till the day before he turns seventeen."
"That isn't true." I squeak. The Dark Lord looks at me and I say, "Sorry My Lord."
"No," The Dark Lord shakes his head, "What have you heard?"
"I-" I struggle for words.
"Stand up while you tell us. We want to make sure all can hear." The Dark Lord says. Mum helps me to my feet and I lean on the walking stick while saying, "The ministry no longer play any part in looking after Harry... Harry Potter. I have been lead to believe it is next Saturday, at sunset."
I sit down and The Dark Lord says, "Bellatrix? Should I believe your niece? Is she who she says she is?"
"My Lord," Bella says, leaning across the table to make eye contact, "My niece has proven to be strong and dependable. Her leg is really her only weakness."
"What happened to your leg, Miss Black?" The Dark Lord's voice cuts into my skin and I say, "A curse reacted badly, my lord. I can usually work around it though."
"Where are they taking the Potter boy?" The Dark Lord says, turning to Severus. He says, "A safe house. Probably of someone in the order. It should then be impractical to attack."
"My Lord," Bella says, "I would like to offer myself for the task. I want to kill the boy."
"I thought My Lord had to kill him for him to die the right way of the prophecy." I whisper.
"That is correct, Atlas." The Dark Lord says.
There is a scream from the basement and I grimace. The Dark Lord stands up and walks round, to Lucius.
"My wand," He says, walking passed Lucius , "And Potter's share a bond. They are in some ways, twins. A bond that means we can only wound. A bond that means neither of us can harm each other fatally. Does nobody want to give me their wand?"
He paces the other way and says, "What about you, Lucius?"
"My wand?" He stutters. Lucius grimaces as he gives the Dark Lord his wand.
"Elm?" He says. Lucius nods. I stare at the floor and Bellatrix says, "Are you not enjoying yourself Atlas? Is this not your greatest dream?"
Everyone turns to look at me and I mutter, "Sorry, My Lord."
"Is there a reason you seem so apprehensive?" He snarls. I nod and with as much strength as I can, mutter, "My leg."
"What was that?"
"My leg." I say a little louder. He nods and says, "As many of you are aware, we are joined tonight by Charity Burbage, who until recently, taught at Hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry. Her specialty? Muggle studies. It is Miss Burbage's belief that muggles are not so different to us. She would, have it her way, have us mate with them. She thinks the mixture of our blood and theirs is something to be encouraged."
There is a laugh and she begs, "Severus, please. Severus, we are friends."
I look at Severus. His face is stone cold, and I look round the room. Everyone other than my family look like they are waiting for her to die, so they can be happy again. He Who Must Not Be Named snaps, "Avada Kedava."

Her body falls limply on the table and I jump. A tear rolls down my face and Bella says, "Is it still your leg?"
I nod, my head bowed. Nagini attacks her body and I excuse myself. I am sent out anyway, with Draco to bed. Draco stumbles up the stairs and I say, "Draco?"
"What do you want, Ats?"
"Do... are you happy?" I ask, tears still streaming down my face. He shakes his head, just as mum comes sprinting out the room and up to us. She says, "You need to go to the wedding venue now. You are staying with them overnight. Draco?"
"Yes mother?" Draco says, blinking rapidly. She says, "Why are you still stood here?"
He nods, turning to walk up the stairs, while we head down. She drags me into her office and says, "The burrow. Loud and clear. I already sent your stuff over, and your arrival is known. I love you baby."
"The burrow." I say, slamming the dust down.

I spin out the fireplace at the burrow, right into Ginny's arms. She smiles widely and I say, "Where is everyone?"
"Atlas?" Molly calls from the kitchen. I walk over and she drops her mug of tea to come hug me. I repeat, "Molly, where is everyone?"
"They've all gone to get Harry."
"What?" I splutter. They lied to me too. Not even I was allowed to know when my best friend would be being moved. Molly hands me a mug of tea and sits me down. I say, "Now what?"
"You are going to help me interrogate people once they get here. Ask them a question only they would know. No favourite colours, or middle names. Actual deep things."
"Alright Mol-"

There is a crash outside and I walk as quick as I can outside. My leg is killing me, but I need to question. I hold my wand out to Harry and say, "One of our first conversations we had was about family. You were horrified. Why?"
"I didn't realise how linked we all were."
I lower my wand and wrap him into a hug. I whisper, "I'm sorry. I am so so sorry."
George and Remus appear. George is bleeding horrifically and after Remus has pinned Harry to the wall yelling, he shoves me against the wall, wand against my throat. He says, "When you arrived at the house on christmas day, me and who knew you had been what?"
"What are you saying?" I scream. He yells, "WHO WAS WITH ME AND WHAT DID WE KNOW HAPPENED TO YOU?"
"It was you and Sirius," I cry, "You knew I'd been cursed."
He drops me from the wall and more people come in. Everyone is yelling questions and I can't focus. Hermione and Kingsley crash in and I point my wand at Hermione. She raises her hands and I say, "In first year, the very first free period we had was spent doing what?"
"Explaining muggle things and then you explained your family tree."
I nod and the last of everyone arrive. We all walk into the burrow's living room, where George is lying, blood down his neck. I lean on my walking stick and Bill says, "Mad-eye is dead."
"Dead?" I gasp. I fall back into a chair and Remus says, "How is your leg?"
I groan and say, "Sore, but I'm okay. When Dumbledore died, he said I had a choice to leave but I didn't and I could have stopped him dying and-"
"Go to bed." Molly says.
"I can't-"
"Go." She says.
I do what I'm told.

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