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Hey, hey! It's so nice to see you (again?).

This is a finished project, 50 chapters of story in all of their smutty and fan-produced glory. No more updates, no new chapters but maybe slight changes in editing and spelling.

Please mind that this is a MALE reader fanfiction with a gay relationship between two men. There will be descriptions of typically male physiques, especially in the smut parts, and use of he/him pronouns for the reader.

Thank you for understanding.

Maybe you even love it so much you came back for a second time?

Love, me.

P.S: since it seems to be unclear to many, I always mark the chapters that contain SMUT so that people can read or avoid them as they please. If there isn't smut in the title, there won't be smut in the chapter.

⚠️Shortcuts you need to know⚠️
(Y/N) = your name
(E/C) = eye colour
(H/C) = hair colour
(S/C) = skin colour
(Y/A) = your age

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