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"Horren.", pleased you smiled as your new addition to the family crossed your path.

You greeted him with open arms. He stopped in his tracks, turned to face you and bowed his head. He was still so much the lord Constable, polite and disciplined.

Chuckling softly, you shook your head. The movement caught his attention and his eyes moved up to catch a glimpse of your (H/C) hair.

He took a deep breath. His shoulders relaxed.

"Platinum.", his voice vibrated in his throat.

"How pleasing to hear you didn't loose all of your former self.", you smiled, one hand resting in the air to ask for his permission to touch him.

His gaze lingered on your fingers. Compared to a man of Horren's size you almost felt small. Almost.

He tilted his head, his hand grabbed yours and he guided it to his cheek to feel the touch of skin on his. A deep breath escaped him as he let his eyes fall shut.

Your hand barely managed to cover his entire cheek. What an odd feeling.

Was that how Astarion felt in your presence?

After all, he was shorter than you. And by a whole lot thinner. But now that he could enjoy food and blood on a regular basis his physical health should improve in a few weeks.

Stubbles of Horren's beard nestled into the palm of your hand as he turned his head to look you in the eyes again. A thin hint of watery blue lit up between the vampiric red. It disappeared as he blinked.

"I heard many good things of you, Platinum.", he let go of your hand and you pulled it away to not bother him longer than he would have wanted. "And I heard that's not custom amongst vampires."

You let out an amused huff. But the truth was so bitter.

"What is custom and what not doesn't matter. Not here.", you glanced at him, eyes wandering to the spot where he had suffered from a disease. "How are you? It seems your body has changed quite a bit."

His muscles clenched and for a brief moment he seemed to be unsure. Then his hand traveled to his shoulder to give it a firm squeeze.

"I didn't pay any attention to it.", he admitted. "Not yet."

"I see. Would you mind? It's unusual, but sometimes it so happens that diseases contract to the vampiric state of the spawn."

Shock lit up in his eyes.

"I'll be sick forever?", he asked.

Smiling, you shook your head.

"No, not forever. But we would need to take more drastic measures.", your eyes jumped over your shoulder, suddenly the feeling of being watched bit into the back of your head. "A few treatments should ban the danger. However, with my apologies, I'd like to make sure. After all you're not my only responsibility in this house. I'd like to keep the others safe."

Horren shifted.

"The others.", he muttered and let his gaze wander. "This house feels empty most times."

Agreeing, you hummed, nodded and turned to take a look around.

The large staircase lay empty, just like most of the house. The long corridor that used to have many doors was now naked, only velvet and decorations could be seen along the walls.

And yet, even though no one was there you could feel a presence other than Horren. One of your spawns was close. And you could say with certainty who it was.

But you didn't bother. Not in this moment. Horren needed to be let in on the most important aspects of his new life.

With a soft expression you turned back to him.

"We should turn to something more private.", you said. "Would you show me to your room?"

His head tilted to the side. Black and silver mingled on his long hair, almost as if he had been kissed by moonlight.

Somehow, you had to think of Astarion. His hair wasn't silver, greyish. It was white, down to the last strand. Even though he had been poorly treated his hair was still remarkable, thick and wavy. It seemed to shimmer.

There were so many inconsistencies that revolved around him. He wasn't fed, but just enough to keep him alive. He was dirty but certain features of his had been preserved and he was shy but knew how to bite back.

Frowning, you made a mental note to yourself to ask him once the time was right. He'd probably not be thrilled to talk about it.

And then there was his loyalty. It felt like a cruel joke but it seemed he was indefinitely loyal to his master. Something you could very well understand. But it also disgusted you to the core.

"Platinum.", Horren tilted his head to catch a glance at your face.

Torn from your thoughts you blinked, shook off the irritation that was written all over your eyes and smiled at him.

"Forgive me.", you breathed. "My mind was elsewhere."

"I can tell.", his hand shifted to rest on the handle of his sword, but he didn't sound frustrated, just took note of the situation. "If it's inconvenient..."

"No, not at all. Please, if you allow, let's go to your room. There's no need to make a show of your health."

A hum made his throat vibrate and it seemed he appreciated the care. With a bow of his head he stepped aside and walked down the long corridor to guide you to the other end of the house.

His steps were so sure that it made you smile. He had found his place and knew this house that he'd soon call his home.

"You find your ways around.", you said to drive away the silence.

"Yes.", he stopped and turned to face a wall that changed right before his eyes to reveal a door made of black wood and silver shimmering swords. "This house... I can't explain it. It calls me, guides my steps. Wherever I want to go, I'll find it within moments. I'm hungry, my legs know where the kitchen is. I'm sorry, I'll find the bath."

"It's connecting to you.", you said, satisfied. "And if you so please the house will hide your appearance from the eyes of the others."

Your gaze jumped to the side. Right where you expected Lorelei to stand.

Astarion x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now