Chapter 2

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"Are you guys excited to meet him? Because  I am " UC grins widely ( gonna use UC for uncle changmin)
He was too excited  about meeting  his mate and so were we..
The idea of our uncle having a mate was so foreign for me I just thought  it would be the three of us forever

"Taeui I hope you know you have to talk to people today" Jaeui said as he knew my plan today was to lay low and escape after the first 10 minutes
"Yeah, yeah I know "I say shrugging my shoulders

Uncle's mate was Kyle he was the alpha of black moon pack and looked different from what I imagined he had big eyes, was beautiful even for a man he wore a white shirt with formal shoes and pants he looked good like he just came out of a movie
He was standing near the front gate to greet us

"Hey guys" he said welcoming  us with a huge smile

"Hello Kylieee  long time no see" my uncle said in a voice I didn't even recognize I and jaeui cringed at the nickname part and they hugged each other passionately  and I knew if we both were not there they would have started their make out session

"Get a room guys " Jaeui said breaking the silence and their hug
"ohh we should "uncle said and I saw the glint in his eyes when he looked at his mate like he was the best meal ever

"Not yet changmin" Kyle said stretching the not
"How are you guys??? it is my first time meeting  you guys, I'm Kyle the alpha of the black moon pack nice to meet you, hope we get along cause you are stuck with me this lifetime "he said hugging us at the end
He was large but not larger than uncle he hugged us both easily and I could feel his strength
"Okay ,let us go inside now people are waiting  for us" uncle said

"Yeah let's go" I say talking for the first time in about the last half an hour
As we were about to enter the hall my wolf was pacing front and back telling me it was a bad idea
"Let's not go you can meet them some other time " Seb said
"No I can't bail out now  uncle would be  dissapointed very much and I don't want to be the reason for it "  I said to Seb it's going  to be alright as he went back without waiting  for me to finish my sentence

I felt nervous after speaking to Seb so I stopped Jaeui on the way as uncle and his mate entered  before us
"Can u smell my scent ??,     I have blocked it but can you still?" I ask nervously
Jaeui looked puzzled but after he saw the desperation  in eyes he calmly said " No ,you don't smell like anything don't worry, do you have the medicine with you" he asked

"Yeah "I said looking at me feet
"If you're  still nervous... I'll mask you with my scent" he said

I was happy at the offer and nodded excitedly  he then hugged me as I could feel as he released  his phermones his hug made me feel less anxious
We used to always do this whenever we used to visit the packhouse during the holidays  it was like a practice  and I was thankful for Jaeui doing it without any complaints

He was a man full of complaints ,but this action of his ,made me feel that he cared for me
So now I felt confident and safe as we entered the hall

But that  confidence came crashing  down when I saw the room full of people there were around twenty - thirty people and most of them were alphas or betas and their  scents had me feeling  nauseated Oh how I hate being around alphas I thought

As I walked in deeper towards the huge halla scent hit my nose it smelled like jasmine and sea after smelling this my wolf became happy and I felt at peace it was the first time I felt this after smelling an alphas phermones this made us sure and I knew we found our mate

"Mate...,mate find them
fast!!! "Seb growled
But I told him" not today ,today was not about me it was about our uncle and his mate "
And if my mate was here I can find him some other day after asking the guest list I said
My wolf whined at this as he was excited
But I was not happy  finding a mate, that to who was an alpha I wished my mate either be an omega or beta, even an human but not an alpha my hate for them was greater

I linked Jaeui that I found my mate who was busy shoving himself with sweets he stopped eating  and stared at me with utter shock
"Rewwally"he asked loudly enough for everyone to turn their heads, he talked with all the food in his mouth which made him choke later which made me laugh I thought how could this dumb person be also smart at times

Now focusing on the mate topic he could not have smelled me as my scent was covered with Jaeui's or so I thought
As my eyes were searching across the hall it stopped on the person who had a pale white complexion he had jet black eyes he was listening to Kyle standing there with  my uncle
By this time jaeui came beside me with a plate full of mini cupcakes
"That's Kyle's brother " he said as he turned towards me in shock "Don't say me he is your mate, then my brother your fucked up, I'll pray for you" he said chuckling
"Ha! Ha! very funny "I said as I gave him a death glare
my eyes still not leaving how could a scent smell so good I thought  as we were walking  towards our uncle who was standing with his mate he had called everyone for his announcement

As I was moving forward towards my uncle I was still staring at my new found mate his eyes met mine, he just stopped there his eyes turned white in an instant and before I could know what was happening  I was on the ground with him on top of me
He took a protective position over me as if he was telling others to move away from me and as Jaeui came to pull him away he growled so loudly the whole hall became silent

He had kept his hands near my head he had a huge build and it covered me completely  he stared at me at this state not even talking a word. As I slowly  knew what was happening my voice came out small and squeaky


"Uncle's mate" there was only silence as this situation mads everyone shocked
I said looking towards them I was so nervous that I even forgot my uncle's mates name.
They both came running  towards the commotion
Kyle was shocked seeing us
"Ilay..... Ilay regriow get off of him" he said in a demanding tone my uncle also came to lift him us but he just growled not moving a inch

"Mate "

"My mate..
he said which was more of a  low growl

"Okay we get it ..get off of him right this instant "
Kyle demanded in this alpha voice which made everyone whine of his pack

"No" he growled lowdly

"No he is mine. "he said again

"Your mine.."  he said as his glowing eyes met mine showing his seriousness  and I just froze their lost in his eyes

He.. he.. he... (evil laugh )
They met and Taeui is his
I know that is so cool right
I love them they are my babies
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Word count : 1352

From now I'm going to post fan art of the characters at the end of the chapters.....

From now I'm going to post fan art of the characters at the end of the chapters

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Just look at our Jaeui and Taeui when they were young.
So cute!!!!

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