Chapter 6

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               Ilay's pov

The day I dreaded for finally came I was excited as well to meet my mate . It took three hours to reach their pack house and those three hours had made my mind go through several scenarios of my own

"Are you happy your finally meeting him? " my wolf Alec asked
"I am but I am scared to meet him" I say gripping the steering wheel tightly
"Why ??do you think he will reject you ?"  he asked 
"I hope he doesn't Alec , I really  think he and I will really be a good match" I say

As i parked at the car at the blue moon pack house I was really nervous entering  the packhouse I hope it goes how I planned and I don't get rejected today. I took few deep breaths and walked towards the pack house my brother had come to meet me at the door , he then pulled me inside and we went towards their main hall
Here Kyle and changmin were going  to announce about them being mate and Kyle being the packs Luna. Kyle was very much excited but I was sad as I felt my only family is now  going to be living so far away but I had other problems to think about now especially that  of  my mate

As I entered the hall it was full of people from both our packs happily rejoicing about how they had a new Luna and their alpha had finally found a mate  people were chattering everywhere ,but I still couldn't  see Taeui anywhere I couldn't feel his scent to and nor did my wolf . I had dress to impress today after contemplating about what to wear for two hours I finally decided about wearing a black jeans and a black shirt as the beta of my pack told that it looked good

After  some time of searching I just went towards my pack members and stood with them while they were chattering about something  I was not one percent intrestead on till I could feel Taeui's scent

Ohh how I missed this scent  this smell had made me feel so happy and at peace as my eyes were frantically  searching for him the door opened and there I saw my perfect mate come in with his brother everyone were happy to see the twins after a long time they were speaking to everyone and we're meeting all their pack members my eyes were glued to Taeui  his each movement I had been watching like a predator watching a prey

"Alpha if you stare like this he might get scared ,you are staring like you are going to eat him " my beta said laughing
I  pushed him aside rolling my eyes at his sarcastic comment
As I was not interested in his nonsense at all, as I was staring a small guy came and hugged my mate, he looked like an omega and he was getting to close to him I didn't like it and I growled lowly like an impulse I couldn't control it
Shit!  He heard it he gave me unbelievable look
"Way to fuck it up!"  Alec said
Of all the time he could see me he looked at me now .
He still didn't say anything he talked to that omega who was hugging him it made me pissed thinking about someone being so close to him
I slowly started moving towards him, him seeing this moved out with the omega who was still dangling  in his arms
Ohh how I wanted to kill that omega

After he went out I followed him cause he was mine and he had some omega dangling on him, I couldn't even touch him but the omega who isn't is mate can do all that the thought had made me more angry
"Unbelievable " Taeui says looking at me
"what? " I ask
"Now you are even following  me?  After you growled in the hall " he asked his arms folded and he was looking at me
"Yeah can't I ??" I say moving towards him

He stopped talking as the omega came back and they stared moving back to the hall
"Wait " I said holding his arm
"Don't you dare put your alpha hands around me " he growled his brown eyes slowly turning golden
"Didn't you say you would talk to me is this how ??" i asked now pulling my hands away from him
"I would have talked to you, but you are like the other alphas  and there is no use talking now "he says
"What?  You haven't even talked to me for a minute and you start judging me"   I say feeling hurt
He pulled his hair away from his face now this argument  had become heated and we both were losing  our temper
"The moon goddess has made a mistake, I would never be your mate. I hate myself for being involved with you" he says now  his phermones showing   annoyance and anger directed towards me .
"Ohh then you can just reject me like you had planned all along and then be with this omega "I said leaving cause I knew if I stayed for another minute I would have lost my whole mind and I walked back towards the hall and stayed there for the rest of the evening and I noticed that Taeui and that omega had not returned back which made me being there more worse

I was going to leave the party I said my goodbyes to my brother and I was walking out the door. And Taeui's scent had hit me it was strong and very alluring and before I could know it  I followed the source and it was coming from a room and the omega who was with Taeui was standing outside the door

Alec s"I feel our mate is in danger I can feel his wolf being restless help him "he says now making me feel more angry as I went towards the door and asked

"Where is Taeui?  What are you doing here? "
He is not feeling well you can go I'll tell him to contact you later he says blocking the door
"He is my mate and you can't stop me from seeing him okay " I said overpowering the omega who was shivering  in fear
"Now move aside "  I said pushing the omega from the door and entering the room the omega then left the room and ran somewhere

Hope you guys have a happy day!!!

***************Hope you guys have a happy day!!!

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Hot Ilay!!!!!!!

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