Chapter 18

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                Taeui's pov

What once I had stared couldn't be turned back again, I had learnt this the hard way at least my ass has learnt it that way...

I don't now how Ilay had hidden his sexual urges for such a long time, whenever we are alone or at home he attacks me and we go through it again and again, most of the time I faint and then he stops with having sex ,but i feel like Ilay has a mountain of  sexual vigor.
He oozes of sex and does it all the time with me, my heart can't handle saying no to him and his pleading face

He always tries to use his face to win with me and i lose gladly all the time but i guess it was time that we had marked each other its been more than six months since we met each other and my wolf is getting all antsy about our mate.

Most of the  fated people had marked each other after a few months bit Ilay doesn't even try to talk about that and when ever i bring it up he changes the subject and i feel like he does it to avoid the topic

"First, i was okay with that but now I'm thinking that he doesn't want to mark me Jaeui" i wispher on the phone cause Ilay was in the kitchen and I in the hall

"Why are you wishpering? Oh is he there?"

"Yeah , Ilay is in the kitchen"

"Why are you so nervous we have talked about it last time to, if you want him to mark you why don't you try to talk to him"

"Its easier said than
done Jaeui, what if he doesn't want to mark me??
What if it become awkward between us?" i wispher yelled at him

"Why do you think he is bored with you Taeui?"


" You know im joking right??
If you dont try you will never no amd i think Ilay would be cent percent happy if you say that you want his mark so just try okay Taeui?" 

"But he is recently avoiding me these days..... he comes home late and leaves immediately after he wakes up we dont even stay in the same room for more than a minute"

"You are just overthinking it just talk to him and tell him you want to mark him and see how it goes huh?"

"Okay ill try to do that, bye!"


*Knock knock*

"Come in"

"Hey Ilay...."

"Yes Taeui why are you standing there awkwardly come in"

"I want to talk to you about something " i muster my courage to talk to him

"So do i Taeui" he says

He looked nervours but was not as nervous as i was ,my heart was literally leaping out of my chest

"Okay, lets say it together so it will be easy on both of us?"



I could feel my gut retching after what he said
Ilay wanted me to go back to my pack? but i thought this was my pack now what does he mean by that ,was i only hoping for him to mark me was he fed up on me

I couldnt say anything else i just stood there

"You want me to mark you??" Ilay spoke his voice full of hope

But i was too stunned to speak

"You want me gone??" was the only reply i could muster up

We both just stayed in silence taking up all the new information and after few minutes i spoke

"Okay then...
I'll leave tommorow morning.. And whatever we had between was nice but i hope of never seeing you again Ilay"

"No no no... Taeui"
He got up from his seat and walked towards me

"Please dont  Taeui ,i didnt mean it like that"

"Like hell you didn't that what did you mean ,i know that you are bored of me now"

"No i never will be bored of you Taeui" Ilay knelled before me and i just stood there unable to move

He looked up with his beautiful eyes at me ,and i couldn't look away

"I didn't mean it literally, my rut is coming and i was scared that i would mark you without consent. I really am not bored of you and never will, I love you Taeui"

I felt butterfiles in my stomach, i cant believe i am feeling so many emotions in such a short span
Ilay confessed to me and its just as i imagined i am so happy i could die

But i can't reply to him, my mouth is not moving like i want ,i want to tell him i love him too but i just can't so i just stand there

He gets up from his position and hugs me i could tell he was sad i didn't reply to his confession but he didn't pressure me more about it

"Its okay even if you dont love me Taeui just dont leave me, i can't live without you"

I just hug him back and we stand there for some while in the same position



"I want to spend your rut with you"

"I would also love to Taeui, but i have to warn you that i wont be able to control myself like now"

Sex with Ilay was always tiedous work but if was controlling him i don't want to know how he is when he loses control

"Ilay...can i back out now?"

"No...never" he hugs me tighter and i also dont let go


Hello guys its been such a long time since i wrote

I have missed writing and this cute couple i have not been feeling well so there might be different uploads time

Hope you guys enjoy your day and this chapter!!!!!!

Hope you guys enjoy your day and this chapter!!!!!!

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