The wedding

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    Every girl dreams of what her big day would be like. From the color scheme to the invitations. For me, Brittany Marshal I never missed a detail. I  took it upon myself to make the center pieces and boss around Andrew's  friend Cole. Everything was ready but I ,on the other hand was nervous.

     I got up that morning in October and my guts were turning. My fiance Andrew was my best friend and we've been together for three years. Our relationship consisted of me caring for Andrew. while Andrew only cared about his video games. I was madly in love with a man who hardly paid attention to me. At the beginning everything was good. To the point it was like a cheesey love story. Andrew was it for me. No one would ever look at me the way he did.

    Even a year ago when he cheated with someone over texts. I left him and planned on never looking back. The phone call from his mother was all it took. His mother claimed he never cried over anyone before. That statement alone was all it took and I was back. Andrew hooked me and I felt like I couldn't breathe without him. That's why I stayed.

     After that night Andrew tried to make it up to me. He would; take me to dinners, buy me flowers, talk with me about personal endeavors. For a girl that was used to nothing, it was Everything .Then at 1am on a Friday at Taco Bell, Andrew proposed to me over sause packets. That was our thing, making silly conversations over packets. It didn't always make since, but it made for a good laugh.

The window to change my mind was closing and I didn't entend on running. No matter what, I only ever saw Andrew. Andrew the funny, charming guy who would make me feel like we were in our own little world. My love for him was all consuming and I felt like he held my soul.

    Today was a happy day, no more looking to the past. " Come on Britt we have to leave, or we'll be late!" My sister Carrie yelled . The irony is she is usually the one running behind. I rolled my eyes and made me way towards the front door. We arrived at the venue and quickly turned on the heat. October was cooler than usual and it made me glad we chose to have the wedding inside.

   It was just my bridesmaids and I and no one else. Thankfully we made it there before anyone else. It would be embarrassing to be the last one there. Carrie,Jaz, and Sarra followed me to the bathroom, where we started to get ready. My dress was heavy and looked like a dress and queen would have worn. It had lots of lace on it and  I opted for the off white color and I didn't regret it.
  My hair had been styled in an updo and I never felt so pretty in my life. In high school I was bullied for being ugly and fat. I wasn't fat, just curvy but unfortunately kids can be cruel. My self esteem wasn't high after that. When I met Andrew I was in shock that he actually liked me. Then years later here we are.

  People were almost there including him, so I quickly snuck out to the back to wait for my entrance. My dad was one of the first ones there and quickly came to my side to walk me. " You ready sweetie?" He questioned.

   " I think so, I'm just nervous." I said with my hands shaking. My dad took notice at my anxiety and quickly replied.
  "We can leave right now, if you want to."
  "Dad no! I'm fine, really." I spoke reassuring him.  He nodded not wanting me to stress out more. I never told him about what Andrew did. Somehow I think he figured it out. My dad was always intuitive like that.

    Moments felt like hours and that's when the music started. My body felt numb, my mouth was suddenly dry. I could hear the people speaking inside and I was suddenly insecure of how I looked. Before I knew it, my dad was walking me down the isle and I looked to no one but the love of my life. He was smiling, looking proudly at his soon to be wife. I felt like we were the only two in the room. I looked quickly around smiling to people and landed on Cole, the best man who gave me a thumbs up.

    The ceremony went faster than expected. We had cake, danced, and mingled. I had to beg Andrew to dance, he seemed to be into having conversations with his friends and I brushed it off. I was bothered to say the least. Once we were done we headed towards the hotel. Andrew seemed giddy to be alone. I was as well seeing as we lived in a house with my sister and didn't get much alone time.

   We arrived at the hotel and everything changed. Andrew seemed to be nervous once he opened the hotel door. " I love you, you know that right!?" He smiled giving me a kiss.

   " And I love you." I replied giggling. That night was different. She'd had slept with him many times before they were married, but this time she felt the world stop.

That was when it was really good.

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