Well that was unexpected !

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Martyn is hanging out in the void except the void is white. He is listening to bad feeling (oompa loompa).

When suddenly grian appears behind him, he turns around swiftly at the sound of footsteps as grian approaches. “ martyn !, can i pet your dog ??” he asks. “Sure !” Martyn responds as he sees grian bend down towards his dog.

His dog's name is Jimmy and he looks like a normal dog for the most part. you see his body is the body of a dog. but his head is the head of solidarity gamings minecraft skin.

Grian reaches out a hand to pet Jimmy but. Jimmy does not like that and bites him. Right in his fingers. “ow it bit me,” grian whined as he retracted his hand.

Martyn looked grian in the eyes turning red, his face holding a confused expression, as he mumbled “bit  you ??”.

The background behind martyn changed into a rainbow checkered pattern with an ever so often appearing white ring. He entered his alpha form with green and black wings sprouting from his back and shoulder blades. His eyes were now see through and matched the background. This was right as the chorus hit “oompa loompa doopity doo” played while martyn sang along with the lyrics.

After that he changed back into his anger form. Red eyes and his eyebrows creased. As he sang “I've got a bad feeling about you” when the “bout you” text was sung the camera panned to grian.

he looked nervous and he had a few beads of sweat dripping down his face. As hands suddenly appeared pointing at him. Martyn entered his alpha phase again. all wings and edit background and rainbow eyes. As he sang “oompa loompa i don't know dude”.

Again. Martyn changed into his anger form again (you already know how he looks in his angry form.) as he looked at grian. He looked like a prey pinned in place just from his gaze. Grian looked more nervous and his pupils were smaller than normal. Hands appeared again pointing at him.

That's when the music faded away. He looked grian in the eyes and told him “ for my own safety and that of my pookie bear Jim, I'm gonna ask you to leave” grian noded fear in his eyes as he snapped his fingers and teleported away.

Martyn sighed “I can never have a peaceful day” the end.

Authors note
I don't know how to feel about the fact that the first thing I publish is a written version of an edit on tiktok. The edit is made by @p4ncakedu0 as I said on tiktok. I am proud of what I wrote though. As for now go drink, eat something, take a shower or get the rest you deserve my content consuming gremlins -moon

If you find this and you know me irl no you did not just find this

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