Letter 8: To Everyone Who cares

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A beautiful and moving letter from anonymous:

To everyone who cares,

I want a life. I am desperate to live. Maybe even so desperate that it'll be the death of me. My head is going crazy and at the moment it's late at night. It's like I am the only one who feels like this. Who feels terrible and wants to get lost in a world that isn't real. Who looks terrible because I don't sleep, eat and feel well. I don't brush my hair or go out. I'm spending days in my room just staring in front of me. Looking like death itself.

People told me that I am strong and brave, but I don't know about that. I don't think I know anything at all. Tears fighting to fall from my eyes over and over again. Deeps lakes forming at my feet because the tears refuse to stop coming. Drowning myself in my own tears, but swimming up at the last moment. Who calls that brave? Who calls that strong?

The headache getting stronger by the day. I don't talk my voice gone. No socializing. Nothing. Just sitting and feeling miserable, like nothing. Thinking, feeling empty and just waiting. waiting without even knowing for what. For my life to start? For love? For the tears to stop falling?

Waiting won't get me anywhere. I realized that, but what else am I supposed to do? I can't go anywhere. I am stuck and no matter how hard I scream there is no one to help me out. I have to do it all myself. All alone.

I miss the sun. I miss smiling. I miss laughing so hard that I can't breath. I miss messing around with my friends, but I don't have any. I miss hugging someone or cuddling on the couch while watching a movie. Or just walking outside enjoying the peace.

I can't do that, because I am stuck and messed up. I feel like life is being sucked out of me and just when I am about to die it's blown back into my face over and over again it's true torture. Nothing strong and brave about that. I am literally breaking, falling apart. And I miss living my life so much.

I'm literally crawling through my life. With no one or nothing to help me up. And believe me there are enough people telling me what to do and who to be and how to act, but I refuse to be the kind of person that follows others behind like a dog, doing whatever people tell me to do.

But I am going to find inspiration. And I know I will survive.



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