How To Run Away (Escapism)

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Usually, when I said those words, it would be when I accidentally would break something or do something bad..but no. You parents aren't like others parents. My mom and dad hit me when they're either drunk or when I don't do something for them. It's not always been like this, but ever since I was 12, my parents had changed for the worse.

I had just gotten home from school, and I had forgotten to take the trash out last night..

"Gavin. Come here you disgrace." My father gleamed and pulled me close to him with his eyes.

"Your father and I are disappointed in you. You forgot to take out the garbage." My mother snarled her lips and had a disgrossened look on her face.

"What? It's just the garbage...I'll take it out right now." I said worriedly..

"Oh no. You're too late Gavin." My father stood up and took out his belt from his jeans.


I felt a sting of the belt whip across my neck. It suddenly turned red. I cried out in pain and held my neck. Tears sprang to my eyes.

"I'm sorry! Ow! I'm so sorry dad..and mom.." The whip slashed across my face and hit the bottom of my eye. But..suddenly..the skin where my cheekbone ended and my eyelid started had began to bleed..the metal part pricked the skin under my eye and I started crying sorrowly.

This process had continued until my face, stomach, legs, arms, and neck were bruised, bloody, beat, and swelled.

I still looked myself..I just had bits of swelled skin all over my body..I sobbed and ran into my room..I cried all my pain out into my pillow.

School was hard.
My parents are abusive and alcoholic.
I was bullied at school.
I had no friends or siblings to talk to.

My wails were drowned out from my parents $800 Television blaring "Jeopardy." My cries of sadness turned into rage and I plotted..oh, I delicately and sweetly..I was going to run away soon..anytime soon anyway.

But..that didn't change the fact my parents could still hurt me..

I cried and cried until my eyes heavied and fell over my iris..


When I woke up in the morning, I changed into some casual blue jeans, a plain blue shirt with a teal baggy sweatshirt covering my head and most of my body. I had put my fluorescent white shoes on and grabbed most of my essential items for parents didn't know what I had plotted the night before..such as..

* $100 for a bus ride far away into another town
*My childhood animal (DO NOT. Ask questions about him..)
*My phone and retainer case
* two pairs of change of clothes, bottles of water, and bags of chips and fruit


I had just arrived at my school. I grabbed my items from my locker and started my day..I casually ran into my bully..Zak..

"Well well..if it isn't the little freak who hides his ugly face from everyone here." The bully lifted a part of his top lip in disgust and pushed me into the wall. The bruises on the back of my legs ached as they were compressed. I started breathing a bit more heavily..

"Zak..not today please..I'm not feeling ok.." Zak and I were about the same height but...I was just a skinny tall kid..and Zak has muscular and more built then I was.

"Shut up spaghetti noodle. You're so fugly. No one your parents never talk to you. Ahahaha!" He pushed me onto the floor and I was so depressed and sad..why would this all happen to a boy like me?! I didn't deserve any of this..

"No you shut up..shut up..shut up...SHUT UP." I stood up and yelled..I had finally had enough of everything..I wanted out before I could get hurt anymore..Everyone had stopped and stared at me blankly.

I sobbed loud as I ran away from my everything.

I turned off my location on my phone and threw it in the sewer. My parents didn't dare bring me anything new. That phone was older than when I was born.

I caught the bus..a half a mile away from school..

"Can you take me about three towns over please.." I sobbed quieter and handed the bus lady $50 dollars..then I sat down in the back..

What was I doing and where was I going..

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