Who is He? (Finding Comfort)

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The bus lady dropped me off in the town..it looked fairly nice actually..I walked around the town until I reached the end..

I sighed and sat down on the side of a brick building..My head followed into my hands and I decided to sob a bit more..

How did I just leave...like that?
So suddenly too!

And without anyone even missing me..I hated that town..but..I have no one in this town..I'm..all alone.

I always have been..but..this is a new feeling. Like the moment when you realize no one came to your funeral..or like when only a few kids came to your birthday party..

I sniffled and then I heard a strange voice..

"Hey..hey kid..are you alright..?" I saw a taller built man look down on me with a curious expression..

"Y..yes..go away.." I sniffled and tried not to cry. I gestured with my hand for the man to shoo.

"Buddy..buddy..what's wrong..? Do you..mind if I take off your hood..?" The man crouched down to my level and grazed the top of my hoodie.

"N-no..don't take it off please.." I sobbed a bit more..

"Do you..want a hug kid..?" The man smiled at me.

For the first time I felt..loved..cared..cherished..happy..

"I..I..uh..ok.." the man pulled me up from the ground and pulled me into a deep embrace. His loving right hand patted my back and his left held my head closer to his chest. My sobs softened and I hugged him back..

"Its ok buddy..it's ok..I won't hurt you..I won't hurt you. Let it all out..I'm here to help you.." he patted my back more and kept the hug on for a few more minutes. "Can I take off your hoodie now..?"

"Ok.." I nodded and the man took off my light-blueish hoodie. The optimistic look on the man's face drained as he saw the bruises and red marks all over my cheeks..neck..eyes..and forehead.

"What..what happened..who did this to you?!" The man asked with more panic and held me closer to me..he seemed worried for me..

"M-my parents..I-I ran away.." I sobbed louder and hugged the man tighter.

"Shh..shh...I'll take care of you sport..I'll become your legal father..ok? You'll live with me and my husband ok..?" The man asked softly with a soft grin on his face.

"R-really..?" I asked with disbelief..this man..wanted to care for a..guy like me..?

"Oh, a 100% buddy. I'll be so happy and proud to be your father. You won't be beat up or hurt by anyone..you'll start school here and you'll be cared about and loved..I'll make sure no one hurts you..ok son..?" The man looked down on me and his smile widened..I suddenly felt like he was my new family..

"Thank..thank you so much sir..this really means so much..can..can I..call you dad..?" I asked him. My heart was growing more and more and I was so touched..to actually feel and be loved for once..

"Absolutely. Or you can call me Paul. It's so nice to meet you..what's your name buddy..?"

"My name is Gavin." I said blatantly.

"It's nice for you to become my new son, Gavin. Im sure you'll love to see your other dad and your brothers!" He smiled before noticing the rest of my body..my arms..my legs..he seemed a bit more concerned but he shook it off for the moment and hugged me again, kissing the top of my head.

"Thank..thank you dad.." I cried tears of joy into my father's chest..

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