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There was a person in a confined room. Exercising? Walls of the room started to crack, the creation of wind came from that one person.


"Uh, oh", the person went flying through the sky. Their long hair flowed against the natural wind, however that wasn't helping their fall. They covered their face with their arms, blocking the wind from freezing their nose. Falling, they seemed to be very, VERY, high up in the sunny sky. Removing their arms from their face. They saw a black haired boy, reaching his hand out. The person who's flying through the sky did the exact same thing.

"Catch me, Mash", reaching for his hand, the jet black hair boy grabbed onto their wrist. Pulling them down from the sky and into his arms.
The Laziest Magic User
[Insert Picture]

"I'm not lazy, just overly prepared".

Mash Burnedead

A Boy with Muscles"Y/N I can always catch you"

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A Boy with Muscles
"Y/N I can always catch you".

Dot Barrett

The Obnoxious Simp"I HATE PRETTY PEOPLE LIKE YOU, I think"

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The Obnoxious Simp

Lance Crown

Sister Complex"I have a Sister and Y/N Complex"

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Sister Complex
"I have a Sister and Y/N Complex".

Orter Madl

Rule Obsessed"Rules are Rules, there was a rule set in stone, it listed for you to stay by my side"

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Rule Obsessed
"Rules are Rules, there was a rule set in stone, it listed for you to stay by my side".

Kaldo Gehenna

Honey Obsessed"Come on try this Honeyed Sashimi!"

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Honey Obsessed
"Come on try this Honeyed Sashimi!".

Rayne Ames

Y/N Semi-Babysitter"Stop flying"

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Y/N Semi-Babysitter
"Stop flying".

Finn Ames

Y/N's Full-time babysitter"Y/N Please stop giving me a heart attack?!"

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Y/N's Full-time babysitter
"Y/N Please stop giving me a heart attack?!"

Lemon Irvine

Weirdo"Mash, Mash, Mash <3~"

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"Mash, Mash, Mash <3~"


Teacher-Scary lady-"You're still weak

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Teacher-Scary lady-
"You're still weak.. I'm gonna train you to death"
The Laziest Magic User

A/N: There is more people, don't worry, I'm just a lazy bum.

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