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There Y/N was, outside, at the park. They seemed to be having fun, playing in the sand pit. Finally getting a breath of fresh air, instead of the usual medic clinic. Finally enjoying free time from the mountains of work Lady Amy was giving them. Enjoying life as a kid. Well that was interrupted by a smaller girl. She seemed to be younger than Y/N, themself. It was the first time the (h/c) child had interacted with another.

So, they just blankly stared at the blue haired girl. "Um, Hello! My name is Anna, what's yours?", She was a cheerful child, as heard from her tone of voice. "I'm- my name is Y/N", the (h/c) child responded, they sounded shy, of course. She offered them her hand, "Do you want to play with me?" They looked at her dumbly. "Uh, sure? But what about your parents? Aren't they worried about you?", Y/N wondered, is this girl lost?

"Oh yeah.. my big brother was supposed to be behind me... I wonder where he went..", the light blue haired girl responded, she didn't look worried at all. What- The (h/c) child looked at Anna, dumbfounded by her response.

"Anna?! Where are you, Anna?!", there was a voice of distress coming from about a yard away. The voice seemed to get closer, and it revealed a light blue haired boy, about the same age as Y/N. "Oh! There he is!", Anna still had a hold on the (h/c) child hand. Uh oh- more people. Y/N thought, wanting to avoid as much attention as possible. In a way, Y/N felt some uncomfortable foreshadowing from the horizon. "Anna there you are!", The worry boy walked up to the two of them.

Must avoid- The (h/c) child felt Anna's grip tightened. How strong is this child?! Y/N wanted to ball their eyes out. Lady Amy! Help! They tried to call out through their head, hoping that that Meliadoul could read their mind.

The Laziest Magic User

"Achoo!", the medic sniffed from that sneeze. "Is someone thinking about me?", Meliadoul looked around her office, confused.

The Laziest Magic User

"Big Brother! Over here!", the girl shouted, gesturing for her brother to come over. The (h/c) child just cried internally, giving up on even trying to move. They are definitely making sure to do more of Lady Amy's exercise regime. The blue haired boy stopped in his steps and noticed something, he was staring directly at their hands. "You", he immediately dashed over and broke the hand holding, grabbing onto Y/N's wrist.

"YOU LET GO OF MY SISTERS HAND! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?!", the blue haired boy yelled at the (h/c) child, pointing at them threateningly. Y/N blinked.

Then again.

Their eyes started to water. They never been yelled at before. The young child started to sniffle, but they didn't want to cry. This made the light blue haired boy shocked, he didn't expect for the child to start crying. "I'm Sowy- hicc- I'm sorry- hicc", Y/N couldn't stop apologizing, as tears streamed down their face. It felt like an arrow had struck through the boy's chest. He imagined himself bleeding from the child's saddened face.

"How dare you big brother! Making my new friend cry!", Anna went towards Y/N to comfort them, safe to say, the light blue haired girl was angry at her brother. Double kill!

He had felt another imaginary stab wound in his chest, as he dramatically grabbed his chest. The tears from the child had stopped streaming down their face, now they just sniffling. I don't like it here anymore... Y/N internally cry some more. "I'm.. I'm sorry for making you cry..", The blue haired boy finally apologized, bowing his head. "I'm... Lance..", The boy continued to add to his words, why was he flustered? "What's yours?..", he asked the sniffling child, he turned his face away.

"Y/N", the child spoke, their voice was still strained after crying.

The Laziest Magic User

A/N: reminder this is still young Y/N, so expect crying, a baby-ish voice coming from Y/N.

The Laziest Magic User's Secret:
- Lance fell instantly for them, after seeing Y/N cry.
- Anna did get to play with Y/N, and she had so much fun
- There was a boy staring from afar, kinda felt bad for not stepping in. He too was scared by Lance.
- When Meliadoul saw Y/N's puffy red eyes, she nearly tried to go hunt the kid—Lance—down. Lucky, Y/N and Ochoa stopped her.

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